result count: 6
guid | icon | name | req level | maxheap | cost | typ | skill | rarity | information |
200038 search: -treasure -enemies -shop -quests | Phirius Special Water - Type A (strings) | 1 | 200 | 15 | Potion (4) | Replenish Hit and Mana Points by 20% (492197) | General (0) | PickupBound 1 Unique: 0 AllParty: 0 Depart: 0 | |
203489 search: -treasure -enemies -shop -quests | Phirius Special Water - Type A (strings) | 1 | 99 | 15 | Potion (4) | Replenish Hit and Mana Points by 20% (492197) | General (0) | PickupBound 1 Unique: 0 AllParty: 0 Depart: 0 | |
204130 search: -treasure -enemies -shop -quests | Magical Wine (strings) | 1 | 99 | 0 | Potion (4) | Replenish Hit and Mana Points by 20% (492197) | General (0) | PickupBound 1 Unique: 0 AllParty: 0 Depart: 0 | |
207081 search: -treasure -enemies -shop -quests | VN - Sys207081_name (strings) | 1 | 99 | 0 | Quest Item (1) | Replenish Hit and Mana Points by 20% (492197) | General (0) | PickupBound 1 Unique: 0 AllParty: 0 Depart: 0 | |
207229 search: -treasure -enemies -shop -quests | PH - Sys207229_name (strings) | 1 | 99 | 0 | Quest Item (1) | Replenish Hit and Mana Points by 20% (492197) | General (0) | PickupBound 1 Unique: 0 AllParty: 0 Depart: 0 | |
241542 search: -treasure -enemies -shop -quests | (strings) | 1 | 999 | 15 | Potion (4) | Replenish Hit and Mana Points by 20% (492197) | General (0) | PickupBound 1 Unique: 0 AllParty: 0 Depart: 0 |