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491556806810Poison Trap 3
Sys491556_shortnoteClass: Scout(2)/(5)Priest
Level: 80
Skill: Urgent Heal
491557575562Explosion Trap 3
Sys491557_shortnoteClass: Scout(2)/(5)Priest
Level: 80
Skill: Poison Trap 3
491558806813Poison Trap damage 3
Sys491558_shortnoteClass: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 80
Skill: Punishment
491559577650Explosion Trap damage 3
Sys491559_shortnoteClass: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 80
Skill: Poison Trap damage 3
491562575729Magical Talent
Temporarily increases your [SC_SKILLTIPS_MP|Maximum MP] by (current [SC_SKILLTIPS_MP|Maximum MP] + (Buff0-0)) x (Buff4-0)% + (Buff0-0) for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(1)Warrior
Level: 15
Skill: Slash
491563575726Magical Enlightenment
Lets you regenerate (Buff0-Dot) MP every 5 seconds for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(1)Warrior
Level: 20
Skill: Slash
491564575720Elemental Explosion
Your [SC_SKILLTIPS_MCRI|Critical Magical Hit Rate] is increased by (Buff0-0) for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(1)Warrior
Level: 25
Skill: Slash
491565575569Rage Mana
Converts your rage into (DMG0) MP and increases your magical damage by (Buff4-0)% for (Buff4-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(1)Warrior
Level: 30
Skill: Slash
491566806876Nimble Mood 2
Nimble Mood 2
You receive 20 MP every 6 seconds for 2 minutes.
Costs 40 Rage.
Class: Priest(5)/(1)Warrior
Level: 80
Skill: Slash
491567572066Nimble Mood 3
Nimble Mood 3
You receive 25 MP every 6 seconds for 2 minutes.
Costs 40 Rage.
Class: Priest(5)/(1)Warrior
Level: 80
Skill: Nimble Mood 2
491568806879Elemental Explosion 1
Elemental Explosion 1
Increase your chance to critically hit with magical spells by 2% for 3 minutes.
Costs 50 Rage.
Class: Priest(5)/(2)Scout
Level: 80
Skill: Joint Blow
491569572215Elemental Explosion 2
Elemental Explosion 2
Increase your chance to critically hit with magical spells by 4% for 3 minutes.
Costs 50 Rage.
Class: Priest(5)/(5)Priest
Level: 80
Skill: Elemental Explosion 1
A magic arrow binds the target for (Buff0-Time) seconds to its current location.
(If the target is a player, they cannot move for (Buff1-Time) seconds.)
(The effect is removed when the target is attacked.)
Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 15
Skill: Joint Blow
491571806882Sound of Thunder 2
Sound of Thunder R2
(Ranged weapon must be equipped.)
Your arrow numbs the target's leg, making them unable to move for 5 seconds. (Damage to the target will cancel the effect.)
Cooldown 15 seconds, costs 40 Focus.
Class: Priest(5)/(3)Rogue
Level: 80
Skill: Shadowstab
491572575160Sound of Thunder 3
Sound of Thunder R3
(Ranged weapon must be equipped.)
Your arrow numbs the target's leg, making them unable to move for 5 seconds. (Damage to the target will cancel the effect.)
Cooldown 15 seconds, costs 40 Focus.
Class: Priest(5)/(3)Rogue
Level: 80
Skill: Sound of Thunder 2
491573575248Fire Arrow
Your [SC_SKILLTIPS_MCRI|Critical Magical Hit Rate] is increased by (Buff0-0) for (Buff0-Time) seconds and your Shots inflict additional fire damage.

(You cannot have [491573|Fire Arrow] and [492926|Power of the Wind] at the same time.)

Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 20
Skill: Joint Blow
491574806888Fire Arrow II
Fire Arrow II
(Passive Skill)
Your shots have a 15% probability of causing 150 Fire Damage.
Class: Priest(5)/(6)Knight
Level: 80
Skill: Punishment
Arrow of Fire 3 (Passive Skill) Your shots have a 10% probability of causing 100 fire damageClass: Priest(5)/(6)Knight
Level: 80
Skill: Fire Arrow II
491576801281Strength of Ashes
After your [491577|Flame Spirit] disappears, this provides you with an increase in [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage]. Lasts (Buff-Time-623178) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 60
Skill: Joint Blow
491577577006Flame Spirit
Turns your flame energy for 40 seconds into concrete substance to support your attacks.Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 60
Skill: Flame Spirit
491578575725Cursed Fangs
Puts a curse on your hidden weapons. For (Buff0-Time) seconds targets hit with these cursed projectiles suffer (Buff0-Dot) Dark damage every 2 seconds. (As long as your Fang Ritual is active, additional (DMG4) + (FixDMG-620238) x INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] will be done.)Class: Mage(4)/(3)Rogue
Level: 15
Skill: Shadowstab
491581575724Fang Ritual
Raises the damage dealt by Dark magic by (Buff0-0)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Mage(4)/(3)Rogue
Level: 30
Skill: Shadowstab
Frost roots your target for (Buff0-Time) seconds. (For players this effect lasts for (Buff1-Time) seconds. Effect is removed when target receives damage.)

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Priest(5)/(4)Mage
Level: 15
Skill: Fireball
491587576262Essence of Magic
Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] by (current [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] + (Buff0-0)) x ((Buff4-0)%) + (Buff0-0) for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 15
Skill: Urgent Heal
Can dispel curses from your target.Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 20
Skill: Urgent Heal
Flame and Fireball now have a higher chance to deal additional damage.Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 25
Skill: Urgent Heal
491590575570Rising Tide Mastery
Your Rising Tide is now an instant cast with a cooldown of 4 seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 30
Skill: Urgent Heal
491591572061Rising Tide
Summon a torrent to inflict (DMG0) + (FixDMG-620239) x INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_WATER|Water Damage] to the target.Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 1
Skill: Rising Tide Mastery
Sys491592_shortnoteClass: Priest(5)/(10)Champion
Level: 80
Skill: Heavy Bash
Sys491593_shortnoteClass: Priest(5)/(10)Champion
Level: 80
Skill: --

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