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492398575265Tide Control
Rising Tide now additionaly causes ranged weapon damage.Class: Priest(5)/(2)Scout
Level: 30
Skill: Joint Blow
492399572061Rising Tide
The torrent you summon is mixed with arrows and bolts. Inflicts (DMG0) points Water damage and (DMG4) ranged weapon DPS.Class: Priest(5)/(5)Priest
Level: 1
Skill: Tide Control
492400575551Quick Spellcasting
Uses your Nimble Hands for greatly increased spell casting speed.Class: Priest(5)/(3)Rogue
Level: 25
Skill: Shadowstab
492401571986Nimble Hands
Increases attack speed by (Buff0-0)% and casting speed by (Buff0-1)%.Class: Priest(5)/(3)Rogue
Level: 24
Skill: Quick Spellcasting
492402575552Infectious Wound
Infects target's wounds, causing (DMG0) points of [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] and lowers the effectiveness of heals received by the target by (Buff4-0)%. Lasts (Buff4-Time) seconds.
(This skill lowers the effectiveness of heals received by the target by a maximum of (Max-Buff0-502006)%.)
(For players this effect lasts for (Buff5-Time) seconds.)
Class: Priest(5)/(3)Rogue
Level: 20
Skill: Shadowstab
492403575708Snake Curse
Your curse inflicts (Buff0-Dot) points of Dark damage every 2 seconds for (Buff0-Time) seconds on your target.Class: Priest(5)/(3)Rogue
Level: 15
Skill: Shadowstab
4925005766671st Level Silence
Silence for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: GM(0)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 1
4925015766672nd Level Silence
Silence for (Buff0-Time) secondsClass: GM(0)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 1
4925025766673rd Level Silence
Silence for (Buff0-Time) secondsClass: GM(0)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 1
4925035766674th Level Silence
Silence for (Buff0-Time) secondsClass: GM(0)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 1
Fires a shot at the target inflicting ranged weapon damage. (Afterwards Autoshot modus will be active.)Class: Scout(2)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 1
492615576990Sword Breath
Sword breath pierces the target, inflicting (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS and with each hit also has a chance of increasing rage by (Buff4-Dot) points.
(This skill generates a maximum of an additional (Max-Buff-Dot-502888) points of rage.)
Class: Warrior(1)/(2)Scout
Level: 35
Skill: Joint Blow
492616570895Surprise Attack
The Surprise Attack causes (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS to the target and knocks it down. Additionally generates (DMG8) rage.
(Must have a distance of at least 60 from the target.)
Class: Warrior(1)/(6)Knight
Level: 35
Skill: Heroic Surprise Attack
When the target is Weakened, (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS is dealt to the target.Class: Warrior(1)/(5)Priest
Level: 35
Skill: Urgent Heal
492618576992Electric Attack
For (Buff0-Time) seconds, your normal attacks additionally cause (Buff0-0) Wind damage.

(You cannot have [492618|Electric Attack] and [492913|Lava Weapon] at the same time.)

Class: Warrior(1)/(4)Mage
Level: 35
Skill: Fireball
492619576991Keen Attack
If the target is Vulnerable, two quick attacks cause (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS. Your critical damage will be increased by (Buff8-0)% for (Buff8-Time) seconds.Class: Warrior(1)/(3)Rogue
Level: 35
Skill: Shadowstab
492620576995Target Lock
Physical damage received by the target is increased by (Buff0-0)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Scout(2)/(1)Warrior
Level: 35
Skill: Slash
492621576996Deadly Poison Bite
The deadly poison on your arrow inflicts (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS. When the target is under the effect of [501690|Vampire Arrows], Deadly Poison Bite will also cause (DMG4) ranged weapon DPS.Class: Scout(2)/(3)Rogue
Level: 35
Skill: Shadowstab
492622576998Vampiric Transformation
Transforms the blood drawn by your Vampire Arrows into heals for your own group members.Class: Scout(2)/(5)Priest
Level: 35
Skill: Urgent Heal
492623576997Cursed Arrow
Puts a poisonous curse on your arrow to inflict (DMG0) damage on the target, based on the DPS of the ranged weapon. After a hit, Healing effects on the target are reduced by (Buff4-0)% for (Buff4-Time) seconds.
(Received healing of players is reduced by (Buff5-0)% for (Buff5-Time) seconds.)

The maximum level of this skill is 50.


(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength.)

Class: Scout(2)/(4)Mage
Level: 35
Skill: Fireball
492624576999Mana Recovery
Gives your Healing Shots an additional chance of recovering mana.Class: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 35
Skill: Punishment
492625577000Poisonous Infection
While Poisonous, each successful hit can poison the target inflicting (Buff4-Dot) poison damage every 2 seconds. Additionally (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS + (FixDMG0) x Dexterity physical damage is dealt to the target.Class: Rogue(3)/(1)Warrior
Level: 35
Skill: Slash
Conjures a substitute for you for (Buff0-Time) seconds to take 1 physical attack for you.Class: Rogue(3)/(2)Scout
Level: 35
Skill: Joint Blow
Kicks the targets shinbone causing (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS + (FixDMG0) x Dexterity physical damage . Due to great pain the target's movement speed is lowered by (Buff4-0)% for (Buff4-Time) seconds.
(Movement speed of players is lowered by (Buff5-0)% for (Buff5-Time) seconds.)
(This skill lowers the movement speed by a maximum of (Max-Buff0-502896)%.)
Class: Rogue(3)/(5)Priest
Level: 35
Skill: Urgent Heal
492629577004Courageous Guard
Protects party members in a range of 100 from Fear for (Buff0-Time) seconds.

(This skill can be used even if you are in a state that doesn't allow you to cast spells.)

Class: Rogue(3)/(6)Knight
Level: 35
Skill: Punishment
492630577005Activate Mana
Transforms your mana into (DMG0) rage and reduces Aggro by (Buff4-0)% for (Buff4-Time) seconds.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Mage(4)/(1)Warrior
Level: 35
Skill: Slash
492631577006Flame Spirit
Turns your flame energy for 40 seconds into concrete substance to support your attacks.Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 35
Skill: Joint Blow
Distracts the target, so that it loses its focus on you. You get the lowest place in the aggro table for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(3)Rogue
Level: 35
Skill: Shadowstab
492633577008Shine of the Holy Aura
Used with a Holy Aura, there is extra recovery of HP but all mana costs raise by 1%.Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 35
Skill: Urgent Heal
492634577009Light Charge
The power of Light enters your enemy's body with a violent shock, inflicting (DMG0) + (FixDMG-620225) x INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_LIGHT|Light damage] and Slowing him down by (Buff4-0)% for (Buff4-Time) seconds.
(This skill slows the target down by a maximum of (Max-Buff0-502881)%.)
(Players get slowed down by (Buff5-0)%.)
Class: Mage(4)/(6)Knight
Level: 35
Skill: Punishment

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