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Sys497783_shortnoteClass: Mage(4)/(8)Druid
Level: 80
Skill: Sys497782_name
Sys497784_shortnoteClass: Mage(4)/(9)Warlock
Level: 80
Skill: Warp Charge
497785800141Soul Stepping
For (Buff0-Time) seconds, allows you to move while casting any spell.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Mage(4)/(9)Warlock
Level: 80
Skill: Sys497784_name
Sys497786_shortnoteClass: Mage(4)/(10)Champion
Level: 80
Skill: Heavy Bash
Sys497787_shortnoteClass: Mage(4)/(10)Champion
Level: 80
Skill: Sys497786_name
Sys497788_shortnoteClass: Champion(10)/(2)Scout
Level: 80
Skill: Joint Blow
Sys497789_shortnoteClass: Champion(10)/(2)Scout
Level: 80
Skill: Sys497788_name
Sys497790_shortnoteClass: Champion(10)/(4)Mage
Level: 80
Skill: Fireball
497791577006Flame Spirit
Turns your flame energy for 40 seconds into concrete substance to support your attacks.Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 65
Skill: Flame Spirit
Sys497820_shortnoteClass: Druid(8)/(3)Rogue
Level: 80
Skill: Crystal Boost
497844575215Thunder Sword
Fires 4 sword-shaped thunder bolts at the target inflicting (DMG0) + (FixDMG-509954) x INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_WIND|Wind Damage].Class: Warrior(1)/(4)Mage
Level: 65
Skill: Thunder Sword
497845575247Lightning's Touch
Your weapon strikes the enemy with a flash of lightning, dealing (DMG0) + (FixDMG-509954) x INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_WIND|Wind Damage].Class: Warrior(1)/(4)Mage
Level: 65
Skill: Lightning's Touch
Sys497846_shortnoteClass: Warrior(1)/(5)Priest
Level: 80
Skill: Urgent Heal
Sys497847_shortnoteClass: Warrior(1)/(5)Priest
Level: 80
Skill: Sys497846_name
497955800374Willpower Blade

Willpower becomes a keen blade, allowing powerful psychic attack skills to be used.

When a Warlock has an energy influx of 6 psi, they can choose to release the power of [497955|Willpower Blade]. Specific skills can only be used in this state, which lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds.
Class: Warlock(9)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 6
497956800375Willpower Construct

Thoughts are constructed to form solid willpower, allowing powerful psychic support skills to be used.

When a Warlock has an energy influx of 6 psi, they can choose to release the power of [497956|Willpower Construct]. Specific skills can only be used in this state, which lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds.
Class: Warlock(9)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 6
497957800079Psychic Arrows
Inflicts (DMG0) points of [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] on the enemy.

[SC_SKILLTIPS_9_PLUS|As long as [497955|Willpower Blade] or [497956|Willpower Construct] are not active, receive [$VAR1] psi][$SETVAR1=1]


(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Unknown(-1)/(9)Warlock
Level: 1
497958800080Warp Charge
Inflicts (DMG0) [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] on the enemy. Also increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Physical Attack Speed] by (Buff4-0)% and [SC_SKILLTIPS_CAST|Casting Speed] by (Buff4-1)%. Lasts for (Buff4-Time) seconds.
If target is in a [501577|Weakened] state, damage inflicted is increased by (Buff0-501588)%.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Unknown(-1)/(9)Warlock
Level: 4
497959800082Weakening Weave Curse
Inflicts (DMG0) dark damage to up to 3 targets and causes them to be [501577|Weakened] for (Buff4-Time) seconds.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Unknown(-1)/(9)Warlock
Level: 1
497960800083Perception Extraction
Steals the target's senses and inflicts (Buff0-Dot) [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] every second. It also restores (Buff8-Dot) focus every 2 seconds. The effect lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Warlock(9)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 6
497961800084Pure Soul
Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_INT|Intelligence] by (Current [SC_SKILLTIPS_INT|Intelligence] + (Buff0-0)) x ((Buff0-1)%) + (Buff0-0) points.Class: Unknown(-1)/(9)Warlock
Level: 8
497962800085Severed Consciousness

Only usable under the state of [497955|Willpower Blade]

Solid willpower is transformed into a keen weapon to continuously attack the target 4 times. Inflicts (DMG0) + (FixDMG-621186) x INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage].

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Warlock(9)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 10
497963800086Locked Heart

Only usable under the state of [497956|Willpower Construct]

Reduces the caster's [SC_SKILLTIPS_HURT_PASSIVE|Received Physical Damage] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MHURT_PASSIVE|Received Magical Damage] by (Buff0-0)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds. Also increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by (Buff0-2)%, but no other skills can be used while in effect.
Class: Warlock(9)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 10
497964800087Soul Pain
Inflicts torture upon the target's soul, dealing (Buff0-Dot) of [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] every second for (Buff0-Time) seconds.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Unknown(-1)/(9)Warlock
Level: 12
497965800088Shield of Solid Mind
Brainpower turns into a protective shield. Repels an amount of damage equal to (Buff0-Shield)% of the caster's healing bonus + 80 points for (Buff0-Time) seconds. The caster will receive the effect of [621190|Mind Condensation] and [497965|Shield of Solid Mind] can't be cast on the caster while in effect.Class: Warlock(9)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 14
497966800089Surge of Malice
Unleashes malice on the target. Inflicts (DMG0) of [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] on a maximum of 3 targets.
If target is in a [501577|Weakened] state, it also reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by (Buff4-0)%. Lasts for (Buff4-Time) seconds.
(If the target is a player, this effect lasts for (Buff5-Time) seconds.)

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Unknown(-1)/(9)Warlock
Level: 16
497971572036Elemental Catalysis
Increases magical damage by (Buff0-0)% and casting speed by (Buff0-1)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(-1)Unknown
Level: 65
Skill: Elemental Catalysis
497972577792Magic Crossflow
Increases you and your pet's casting speed by (Buff0-620185)% for (Buff-Time-620185) seconds.
(This skill will be automatically cast.)

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 65
Skill: Magic Crossflow
Fires one shot at the target causing (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS.Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 1
Skill: Power of the Wind
497974575248Fire Arrow
Increases your [SC_SKILLTIPS_MCRI|Critical Magical Hit Rate] by (Buff0-0) and causes your shot to inflict additional Fire damage. This effect lasts (Buff0-Time) seconds.

(You cannot have [491573|Fire Arrow] and [492926|Power of the Wind] at the same time.)

Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 65
Skill: Fire Arrow

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