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499548801316Wind Return
Earns you a [499548|Wind Return] effect after your [499549|Gone with the Wind] effect wears off. Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] by (Buff0-623070)% and [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] by (Buff1-623070)%. Also recovers (Buff-Dot-623083) HP every two seconds. Lasts (Buff-Time-623070) seconds.Class: Scout(2)/(4)Mage
Level: 70
Skill: Fireball
499549575709Gone with the Wind
Wind magic makes the caster invisible for (Buff0-Time) seconds, clearing aggro and ending combat.Class: Scout(2)/(4)Mage
Level: 30
Skill: Wind Return
499552801269Revival Engraving
Increases your companions' [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL_PASSIVE|Received Healing] by (Buff0-623087)%, reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_HURT_PASSIVE|Received Physical Damage] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage] by (Buff1-623087)% after a target is hit by your [490443|Mana Drain Shot].

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Scout(2)/(5)Priest
Level: 60
Skill: Urgent Heal
499555801317Screen Attack
Causes an additional (Buff0-623089)% increase in damage inflicted by your and your friendly targets' [499578|Aggro Lead].

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Scout(2)/(5)Priest
Level: 70
Skill: Urgent Heal
499556806780Defensive Instinct
It is no longer necessary to drop below 30% HP for [491331|Sense of Danger] to take effect.Class: Warrior(1)/(4)Mage
Level: 80
Skill: Fireball
499558575703Healing Shot
Fires one Shot at the target causing (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS. When it hits, it will also heal the party member with the lowest maximum HP by (DMG-501888) + (FixDMG-501888) x (ranged weapon damage).Class: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 20
Skill: Punishment
499560575703Healing Shot
Fires one Shot at the target causing (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS. When it hits, it will also heal the party member with the lowest maximum HP by (DMG-501888) + (FixDMG-501888) x (ranged weapon damage), and will have a chance of restoring the caster's MP by (DMG4).Class: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 35
Skill: Mana Recovery
499561801270Blessed Quiver
Reduces your [499562|Healing Shot] cooldown time by 4 seconds. Also increases your [499562|Healing Shot] critical hit rate. When your [499562|Healing Shot] is a critical attack, it will definitely trigger a [492624|Mana Recovery].Class: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 60
Skill: Punishment
499562575703Healing Shot
Launches one shot at target and causes (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS.
When it hits, it heals the companion that has the lowest max HP with an amount equal to ((DMG-501888) + (FixDMG-501888) * ranged weapon damage). Also carries a chance to recover (DMG5) MP for you.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 20
Skill: Blessed Quiver
499564801318Transformation Torrent
When you use [499565|Mana Conversion], it affects all companions in a range of 90 by recovering Energy, Rage, and Focus.Class: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 70
Skill: Punishment
499565575701Mana Conversion
Converts mana into (DMG0) focus points.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Scout(2)/(6)Knight
Level: 30
Skill: Transformation Torrent
499566801279Malicious Intent Release
Your [499567|Killin' Time] will not be limited in the times it can be used, but its time limit is reduced from 15 seconds to 7 seconds.Class: Rogue(3)/(8)Druid
Level: 60
Skill: Recover
499567579894Killin' Time
Increases the [SC_SKILLTIPS_CRI|Critical Physical Hit Rate] of your physical attacks by (Buff0-623101) and [SC_SKILLTIPS_CRI_POWER|Critical Physical Damage] by (Buff1-623101)%. Lasts (Buff-Time-623101) seconds.Class: Rogue(3)/(8)Druid
Level: 60
Skill: Malicious Intent Release
Causes an additional reduction of your target's armor and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Magical Defense] while [499569|Poison Shroud] is in effect. Causes additional damage from triggered [494923|Shadow Smash] in level with [SC_SKILLTIPS_AGI|Dexterity].Class: Rogue(3)/(8)Druid
Level: 70
Skill: Recover
499569579118Poison Shroud
[499569|Poison Shroud] causes (Buff0-Dot) poison damage to multiple targets in an area with a range of 70 every 2 seconds. Also reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Magical Defense] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] by (Buff0-0)%. Lasts (Buff0-Time) seconds. Also inflicts (DMG-623112) + (FixDMG-623112) x Dexterity of Earth Damage on the target.Class: Rogue(3)/(8)Druid
Level: 70
Skill: Erosion
499571801271Deep Roots
Increases the distance of your [499573|Briar Shield] reflected shot to 180. Also each reflected shot has a a chance to root the enemy for (Buff-Time-623114) seconds.
(When the reflected shot target is a player, the rooting effect is reduced.)
Class: Scout(2)/(7)Warden
Level: 60
Skill: Charged Chop
499573578293Briar Shield
Thorns surround you for (Buff0-Time) seconds, increasing your [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] by (Buff0-0)%. When you are physically attacked, it reflects (DMG-503959) main hand weapon DPS.
(Only effective on targets within a range of 50)
Class: Scout(2)/(7)Warden
Level: 4
Skill: Deep Roots
499575801319Forest Guidance
When a target is hit by your [499576|Snipe], it causes a (Buff0-623117)% increase in [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical Damage] received by the enemy. Lasts for (Buff-Time-623117) seconds.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Scout(2)/(7)Warden
Level: 70
Skill: Charged Chop
Attacking distance is increased by 60 and the attack inflicts (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS + (FixDMG-623116) damage.
(Breaks when damage is received.)

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Scout(2)/(7)Warden
Level: 22
Skill: Forest Guidance
499578577779Aggro Lead
Shot must be used while [499578|Aggro Lead] is in effect to trigger Secret Hatred and this lasts for (Buff-Time-623122) seconds. While Secret Hatred is in effect, the Power of Wind will pass your attack aggro over to another team member for (Buff0-Time) seconds. While in effect, the [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical Damage] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage] that this team member receives will be reduced by (Buff0-0)%.

(This skill cannot be cast on oneself and an Aggro Lead requires the user and target to be within a distance of 500 from one another.)


The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Scout(2)/(5)Priest
Level: 50
Skill: Screen Attack
Launches a shot at target and inflicts (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS to targets of the same level with no physical defense. Furthermore, when it hits, it immediately increases the [SC_SKILLTIPS_CRI|Critical Physical Hit Rate] of nearby companions by (Buff0-503258) points and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MCRI|Critical Magical Hit Rate] by (Buff1-503258) points. Lasts for (Buff-Time-503258) seconds.
([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ] (Buff-Time-503310) [SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])
Class: Scout(2)/(2)Scout
Level: 1
Skill: Aggro Lead
499582575214Sense of Danger
Reduces damage taken by (Buff0-0)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds. (Does not lower critical damage received)

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Warrior(1)/(4)Mage
Level: 80
Skill: Defensive Instinct
499583579111Snake Poison Arrow
Turns your magic into poisonous snakes, inflicting (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS and (Buff4-Dot) poison every 2 seconds for (Buff4-Time) seconds. When the target is affected by Vampire Arrows, it will stun the target for (Buff8-Time) seconds.Class: Scout(2)/(8)Druid
Level: 20
Skill: Recover
499584581105Ancestor's Blessing
Permanently reduces the damage you receive by (Buff0-0)% and when you strike a target with Piercing Arrow, the aggro caused by the next action of the party member with the second most aggro will be reduced.
([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ](Buff-Time-503954)[SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Scout(2)/(8)Druid
Level: 50
Skill: Recover
499585572330Piercing Arrow
Shoots a piercing arrow at the target, causing (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS + (FixDMG-500935) damage to the target and opponents directly behind the target in a straight line. When it hits, it has a chance of reducing the aggro caused by the next action of the party member with the second most aggro by (Buff0-623145)% for (Buff-Time-623145) seconds.
([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ](Buff-Time-503954)[SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])

(Aggro can be decreased by a maximum of (Max-Buff0-505851)%)

Class: Scout(2)/(8)Druid
Level: 50
Skill: Ancestor's Blessing
499587801272Efficiency Guidance
When your [499592|Devour Blood] is triggered, it recovers (DMG-623151) of your companions' Rage, Focus, and Energy.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Scout(2)/(8)Druid
Level: 60
Skill: Recover
499588801280Meditation Path
When you cast [490204|Fireball], [490212|Lightning], [490242|Discharge] or [490239|Phoenix], you can achieve a mobile casting skill state. Lasts for 7 seconds. (Can't be re-triggered within the next 15 seconds.)Class: Mage(4)/(1)Warrior
Level: 60
Skill: Slash
499589801328Wisdom and Bravery
Gives your [499590|Brute Strength] an extra increase in [SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Stamina].
After it is used, it increases your [SC_SKILLTIPS_INT|Intelligence] by 50% of your [SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Stamina] plus 50% of your [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength]. Lasts (Buff-Time-623148) seconds.
Class: Mage(4)/(1)Warrior
Level: 70
Skill: Slash
499590570818Brute Strength
[SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] is permanently increased by (current [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] + (Buff0-0) points) *(Buff0-1)% + (Buff0-0) points.Class: Mage(4)/(1)Warrior
Level: 20
Skill: Wisdom and Bravery
499590570818Brute Strength
[SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] is permanently increased by (current [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] + (Buff0-0) points) *(Buff0-1)% + (Buff0-0) points.Class: Mage(4)/(20)Unknown
Level: 20
Skill: Wisdom and Bravery

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