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499591575130Vampire Arrows
Inflicts (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS to target. Also consumes (Buff4-Dot) of target's HP every 2 seconds. When it hits, it also recovers (Buff-Dot-623161) MP for all companions in a radius of 100. Lasts (Buff-Time-623161) seconds.
([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ] (Buff-Time-506370)[SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Scout(2)/(2)Scout
Level: 4
Skill: Efficiency Guidance
499594801320Soul Blessing
When your [494919|Archer Blessing] is triggered, it affects your entire party and has an enhanced effect.Class: Scout(2)/(8)Druid
Level: 70
Skill: Recover
Launches one shot at target and causes (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS. When it hits, it immediately reduces further damage received by your party members by (Buff0-623174)%. Lasts (Buff-Time-623174) seconds.
([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ] (Buff-Time-505718)[SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Scout(2)/(2)Scout
Level: 1
Skill: Soul Blessing
499597801329Wind Fire Cultivation
Earn both [491573|Fire Arrow] and [623181|Power of the Wind] at the same time.Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 70
Skill: Joint Blow
Launches one shot at target and causes (DMG0) ranged weapon DPS.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Mage(4)/(2)Scout
Level: 1
Skill: Wind Fire Cultivation
499600801282Night Refuge
When [499601|Shadow Protection] is in effect and you receive a normal attack, this instills Fear in the attacker for (Buff-Time-623192) seconds. It also immediately casts [493320|Kiss of the Vampire] on the attacker.
([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ] (Buff-Time-503303) [SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])
Class: Mage(4)/(3)Rogue
Level: 60
Skill: Shadowstab
499601577658Shadow Protection
Increases your [SC_SKILLTIPS_CAST|Casting Speed] (Buff0-0)%. Lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds. If you receive a physical critical attack while this in effect, it will immediately increase your [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] (Buff0-503275)%. Lasts for (Buff-Time-503275) seconds.
([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ] (Buff-Time-503303) [SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Mage(4)/(3)Rogue
Level: 45
Skill: Night Refuge
499604801330Pride of the Baron
When you have the [499605|Fang Ritual] effect, the critical attack caused by your spells will reduce the cooldown time of [493320|Kiss of the Vampire] by 3 seconds. Your [493321|Gift of the Baron] will then have an additional increase to the [SC_SKILLTIPS_MCRI|Critical Magical Hit Rate].Class: Mage(4)/(3)Rogue
Level: 70
Skill: Shadowstab
499605575724Fang Ritual
[SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] power is increased by (Buff0-0)%. Lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Mage(4)/(3)Rogue
Level: 30
Skill: Pride of the Baron
499607801388Boiling Impact
Increases [490256|Rising Tide] damage and transforms your [499608|Rising Tide] into [SC_SKILLTIPS_FLAME|Fire Damage]. It can also be affected by [490221|Eruption].Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 60
Skill: Urgent Heal
499608572061Rising Tide
Summons a torrent that causes (DMG0) + (FixDMG-620239)*INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_FLAME|Fire Damage].

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 1
Skill: Boiling Impact
499609801331Intelligence Seize
Makes your [499610|Magic Drain] cause an extra reduction of the target's [SC_SKILLTIPS_INT|Intelligence] and increases your [SC_SKILLTIPS_INT|Intelligence].Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 70
Skill: Urgent Heal
499610577794Magic Drain
Steals the target's attack power, and lowers the target's [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] by (Buff0-0)%. It also increases your own [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] by (Buff4-0)%. Effective for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(5)Priest
Level: 50
Skill: Intelligence Seize
499611801274Paralysis Attack
Transforms your [490347|Numbing Dagger] to arrow use.Class: Rogue(3)/(2)Scout
Level: 60
Skill: Joint Blow
499612801284Brilliance Award
Reduces your [499613|Stars of Light] chant time by half. Also increases target's [SC_SKILLTIPS_LIGHT|Light damage] by 3%. Can be stacked 5 times.Class: Mage(4)/(6)Knight
Level: 60
Skill: Punishment
499613575230Stars of Light
Paints a light hexagram on the target and detonates. Casts out 1 light bolt every second and causes (DMG0) + (FixDMG-620223) * INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_LIGHT|Light damage] to the target. Lasts for 5 seconds.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Mage(4)/(6)Knight
Level: 20
Skill: Brilliance Award
499614801332Saint's Resilience
Removes Helpless, Stun, Root, Slow and Fear states. (Target effect can only be removed if marked as Movement Impairing Effect or Stun.)
This skill can be used even if you are in a state that doesn't allow you to cast spells. Reduces your received damage by (Buff0-0)% and lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds. After the [499614|Saint's Resilience] effect wears off, it causes an extra increase in your [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed]. Lasts (Buff0-Time) seconds.
Class: Mage(4)/(6)Knight
Level: 70
Skill: Punishment
499617801285Follower's Ground
While [494562|Earth Scepter] is in effect, this provides an extra increase in your [SC_SKILLTIPS_INT|Intelligence] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Stamina]. Also your [494050|Absence] will cause an additional increase in the [SC_SKILLTIPS_EARTH|Earth Damage] received by the target.Class: Mage(4)/(7)Warden
Level: 60
Skill: Charged Chop
499618579898Earth Scepter
Increases your cast of [SC_SKILLTIPS_EARTH|Earth Damage] by (Buff0-0)% and your [SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Stamina] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_INT|Intelligence] by (Buff0-1)%. Lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds.

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Mage(4)/(7)Warden
Level: 35
Skill: Follower's Ground
Causes target to lose his spirit and reduces his [SC_SKILLTIPS_MAG_HITP|Magical Accuracy] by (Buff0-0)%. Also, received [SC_SKILLTIPS_EARTH|Earth Damage] is increased by (Buff0-1)%. Lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds.
(If target is a player, it will reduce [SC_SKILLTIPS_MAG_HITP|Magical Accuracy] by (Buff1-0)%, lasting for (Buff1-Time) seconds.)

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Mage(4)/(7)Warden
Level: 20
Skill: Follower's Ground
499620801333Earth Core Barrier
Reduces your received damage by (Buff0-0)%. Also all spells are transformed to instant spells. Lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Mage(4)/(7)Warden
Level: 70
Skill: Charged Chop
499621801286Infiltration Spirit
After a target is hit by your [499622|Earth Pulse], it causes an additional reduction of the target's [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Magical Defense].Class: Mage(4)/(8)Druid
Level: 60
Skill: Recover
499622578368Earth Pulse
The power of the earth attacks all targets in front of you within the fan-shaped radius, causing (DMG0) + (FixDMG-620212) x Intelligence of [SC_SKILLTIPS_EARTH|Earth damage].

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength.)

Class: Mage(4)/(8)Druid
Level: 45
Skill: Infiltration Spirit
499623801334Pulse Link
You will receive [499624|Mother Earth's Protection] as well when you use [499624|Mother Earth's Protection] on a target.Class: Mage(4)/(8)Druid
Level: 70
Skill: Recover
499624578361Mother Earth's Protection
Uses the power of Mother Earth to build a protective shield around your target reducing its suffered magical and physical damage by (Buff0-0)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds. When the effect ends an additional [494350|Green Guardian] effect will be obtained.Class: Mage(4)/(8)Druid
Level: 70
Skill: Pulse Link
499625575211Skull Breaker
Makes a precise hit on the target's head and causes (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS. Also has a 50% chance to reduce the target's [SC_SKILLTIPS_HITP|Physical Attack Accuracy] by (Buff4-0)%. When your [499625|Skull Breaker] doesn't hit, you will be put in a [498032|Calm] state. Lasts (Buff-Time-503159) seconds.
(At a maximum, this skill can reduce [SC_SKILLTIPS_HITP|Physical Attack Accuracy] by (Max-Buff0-501864)%.)

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Warrior(1)/(2)Scout
Level: 40
Skill: Joint Blow
499626575746Mana Shield
Instantly restores (DMG4) MP and increases maximum MP by (Buff0-0)%. Each point of damage absorbed by the Mana Shield costs 1 MP. This shield lasts (Buff0-Time) seconds.Class: Knight(6)/(4)Mage
Level: 45
Skill: Magic Healing
499666571999Shadow Step
Instantly move behind the target.Class: Warlock(9)/(3)Rogue
Level: 70
Skill: Shadowstab Guile
Deals (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS to the enemy target.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Unknown(-1)/(11)Duelist
Level: 0
499678801655Flying Arrow
Deals (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS to the enemy target from a distance.

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Unknown(-1)/(11)Duelist
Level: 0

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