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499851576089Electric Explosion
Causes (DMG1) + (FixDMG-620232) x INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_WIND|Wind Damage] to the target.

When used in Charged state, it will deal (DMG0) + (FixDMG-620207) x INT [SC_SKILLTIPS_WIND|Wind Damage].

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Mage(4)/(9)Warlock
Level: 70
Skill: Elemental Extraction
499852801639Psychic Tap
When a target has been hit by [497957|Psychic Arrows], there is a chance that your [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage] will be increased and a shield will be invoked that absorbs damage up to 10% of your HP.Class: Warlock(9)/(10)Champion
Level: 70
Skill: Heavy Bash
499853800079Psychic Arrows
Inflicts (DMG0) [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] on a target. There's a chance that the caster's [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage] will be increased by (Buff8-0)% and a damage-reducing shield will be invoked.

[SC_SKILLTIPS_9_PLUS|As long as [497955|Willpower Blade] or [497956|Willpower Construct] are not active, receive [$VAR1] psi][$SETVAR1=1]


(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Warlock(9)/(9)Warlock
Level: 1
Skill: Psychic Tap
499854801638Rage Sublimation
Consumes 100 rage and yields 6 psi points.Class: Warlock(9)/(10)Champion
Level: 60
Skill: Heavy Bash
499856801637Spreading Pain
Inflicts [497959|Weakening Weave Curse], [497960|Perception Extraction], and [497964|Soul Pain] on an enemy target.Class: Warlock(9)/(5)Priest
Level: 70
Skill: Urgent Heal
499858801636Great Salvation
Restores (DMG0) HP to the target. If the target is under any negative effects, each negative effect will increase the amount of healing by (Buff0-623450)%. It also restores HP to the caster.Class: Warlock(9)/(5)Priest
Level: 60
Skill: Urgent Heal
499860801635Silent Seal
When hit by [499861|Silence], the target will be marked out. The next time it is hit, the damage received will be doubled.Class: Warlock(9)/(4)Mage
Level: 70
Skill: Fireball
Silences the target for (Buff0-Time) seconds.
(For players this effect lasts for (Buff1-Time) seconds.)

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Warlock(9)/(4)Mage
Level: 20
Skill: Silent Seal
499862801634Blazing Barrier
[499863|Fire Ward] increases your [SC_SKILLTIPS_FLAME|Fire Damage].Class: Warlock(9)/(4)Mage
Level: 60
Skill: Fireball
499863572048Fire Ward
Increases the party's Fire resistance by (Buff0-0) and your own [SC_SKILLTIPS_FLAME|Fire Damage] by (Buff4-0)% for 10 minutes.Class: Warlock(9)/(4)Mage
Level: 24
Skill: Blazing Barrier
499864801633Shadowstab Guile
When using [499865|Shadowstab] you will obtain 1 additional psi and 3 extra psi when using [499666|Shadow Step].Class: Warlock(9)/(3)Rogue
Level: 70
Skill: Shadowstab
Inflicts (DMG0) [SC_SKILLTIPS_DARK|Dark Damage] on the target and causes it to Bleed.Class: Warlock(9)/(3)Rogue
Level: 70
Skill: Shadowstab Guile
499866801632Psychic Projectile
When a target is hit by [499867|Throw], all damage caused by the target is decreased by (Buff0-623417)% for (Buff-Time-623417) seconds.Class: Warlock(9)/(3)Rogue
Level: 60
Skill: Shadowstab
Throws a hidden weapon at the target, causing (DMG0) damage, based on the DPS of the main hand weapon + (FixDMG0) x [SC_SKILLTIPS_THROWDMG|Projectile Damage] [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|physical damage]

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Warlock(9)/(3)Rogue
Level: 60
Skill: Psychic Projectile
499868801631Enhanced Mind Transference
The rage consumption of [499869|Mind Transference] drops from 35 to 20 and yields 1 extra psi.Class: Warlock(9)/(1)Warrior
Level: 70
Skill: Slash
499869800010Mind Transference
Converts all rage to psi. Each 35 points of rage can be exchanged for 1 psi.

As long as [497955|Willpower Blade] or [497956|Willpower Construct] are not active, psi amount gained from skill effect

Class: Warlock(9)/(1)Warrior
Level: 70
Skill: Enhanced Mind Transference
499870801630Deep Breathing Control
Your [498634|Breathing Control] recovers more focus and an extra 10% HP.Class: Warlock(9)/(1)Warrior
Level: 60
Skill: Slash
Immediately increases rage and focus by (DMG0).Class: Warlock(9)/(1)Warrior
Level: 4
Skill: Deep Breathing Control
Immediately increases rage and focus by (DMG0).Class: Warlock(9)/(20)Unknown
Level: 4
Skill: Deep Breathing Control
499884578293Briar Shield
A ring of thorns surrounds the target and your [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] is increased by (Buff4-0)% for (Buff4-Time) seconds. When target receives a physical attack and the attacker is within a 50 unit range, then (DMG-503959) damage can be reflected. It also recovers (DMG-504844) MP.
(Can only be used on one target at a time and the MP recovery effect can only take place once every (Buff-Time-504870) seconds.)
Class: Druid(8)/(7)Warden
Level: 60
Skill: Briar Life
499885801349Beast Awakening
Increases Maximum HP (Buff0-0)% and lasts for (Buff0-Time) seconds. When [494618|Blade of Protection] hits, the cooldown time of [499885|Beast Awakening] for the target is reduced by 5 seconds.Class: Warden(7)/(8)Druid
Level: 70
Skill: Recover
499886801400Thorn Sigil
Forces the target to turn towards you, and you become the one with the most aggro. Also increases your aggro by (Buff4-0)% for 15 seconds.Class: Warden(7)/(8)Druid
Level: 60
Skill: Briar Control
499888801301Briar Control
Your [499889|Briar Shield] increases your [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL|Healing] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL_PASSIVE|Received Healing]. Every time you use [499886|Thorn Sigil], you earn a shield that is 5% of Maximum HP.Class: Warden(7)/(8)Druid
Level: 60
Skill: Recover
499889578293Briar Shield
A thorn ring surrounds you and for (Buff0-Time) seconds it increases your [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] by (Buff0-0)%, [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL|Healing] by (Buff0-1)% and [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL_PASSIVE|Received Healing] by (Buff0-2)%. When you receive a physical attack and your attacker is in a range of 50, then you can reflect (DMG-503959) main hand weapon DPS.Class: Warden(7)/(7)Warden
Level: 60
Skill: Briar Control
499891801348Wild Offensive
Makes your [499892|Explosion of Power] increase the pet's [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Physical Attack Speed] and reduces the cooldown time of [499892|Explosion of Power] by 5 seconds.Class: Warden(7)/(4)Mage
Level: 70
Skill: Fireball
499892578284Explosion of Power
Stimulates the pet's body. Increases your pet's [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Physical Attack Speed], physical attack and magic attack (Buff0-623265)%. Lasts (Buff-Time-623265) seconds.
(Pets must be within a radius of 300.)

The maximum level of this skill is 50.

Class: Warden(7)/(4)Mage
Level: 70
Skill: Wild Offensive
499893801300Resonation of Wind
When your [494010|Wind Chop] hits a target and triggers [SC_SKILLTIPS_WIND|Wind Damage], this will reduce your [493347|Power of the Oak] cooldown time by 5 seconds.Class: Warden(7)/(4)Mage
Level: 60
Skill: Fireball
499894801347Enemy Sigil
Inflicts [499894|Enemy Sigil] on target and makes your [494581|Charged Chop], [494342|Power of the Wood Spirit], [494007|Achilles' Heel Strike] and [494009|Gravel Attack] cause additional [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] damage.Class: Warden(7)/(3)Rogue
Level: 70
Skill: Shadowstab
499895579070Wind Chop
Causes (DMG0) main hand weapon DPS to target. When it hits, there is a chance it will cause an additional (DMG4) [SC_SKILLTIPS_WIND|Wind Damage].

(This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

Class: Warden(7)/(4)Mage
Level: 60
Skill: Resonation of Wind
499896801299Force Fountain
While your [499897|Heart of the Oak] is in effect, it causes an additional increase in [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength].Class: Warden(7)/(3)Rogue
Level: 60
Skill: Shadowstab

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