result count: 1

guidiconnamecasttimecd group,magicinfo
588116Crystal Protection

Orders your Nature Crystal to protect team members by wrapping them in its shards. Reduces the [SC_SKILLTIPS_HURT_PASSIVE|Received Physical Damage] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MHURT_PASSIVE|Received Magical Damage] of multiple friendly targets by (Buff0-505154)% within a radius of 100. The effect lasts for (Buff-Time-505154) seconds.
cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
350: Crystal Protection 505154
AttackDistance: 500
RangeType: good_member(2)
>EffectRange: 100
>effectcount: 12
RangeSelect: Circle(0)
>shared: 0