result count: 1

guidiconnamecasttimecd group,magicinfo
575718Battle Monk Stance

When the stance is activated, [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] will be increased by (current [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] + (Buff0-0)) x (Buff0-506388)% + (Buff0-0), and [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] will be increased by (Buff0-507324)%, but healing ability will be reduced by (Buff0-506386)%. The stance is effective for(Buff0-Time) seconds. (This skill increases defense by a maximum of (Max-Buff0-507324)% and reduces healing ability by a maximum of(Max-Buff0-506386)%).
cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
00: Battle Monk Stance 501977
4: 507325
AttackDistance: 200
RangeType: target(0)