search id
search name
search buffgroup
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Type: All (-1)
HP (0)
Buff (1)
Teleport (2)
SummonCreature (3)
SummonItem (4)
Steal (5)
ItemRunPlot (6)
RunPlot (7)
Raise (8)
AtkType: All (-1)
HP (0)
MP (1)
RAGE (2)
StomachPoint (5)
AtkCalType: All (-1)
Physical (0)
Magic (1)
Throw (2)
Shoot (3)
Fix (4)
HolyHeal (5)
DarkHeal (6)
Special (7)
FixPer (8)
PhysicalPoint (9)
MagicEx (10)
attrib: all (-1)
% 1-H Hammer Damage Rate (62)
% 2-H Axe Damage Rate (65)
% 2-H Hammer Damage Rate (66)
% 2-H Sword Damage Rate (63)
% Aggro Increase (138)
% Alchemy Quality Probability Increase (133)
% All Basic Attributes Increase (166)
% All Resistances (220)
% Area Magical Damage Resistance (209)
% Armor Defense Strengthening Rate (38)
% Armorcrafting Quality Probability Increase (130)
% Attack Speed (23)
% Axe Damage Rate (61)
% Blacksmithing Quality Probability Increase (128)
% Bow Attack Delay (69)
% Bow Damage Rate (53)
% Carpentry Quality Probability Increase (129)
% Carry Out Additional Attack (181)
% Casting Speed (51)
% Cooking Quality Probability Increase (132)
% Critical Damage (19)
% Crossbow Attack Delay (70)
% Crossbow Damage Rate (54)
% Dagger Damage Rate (59)
% Damage Increase (173)
% Dark Magic Power (50)
% Dark Resistance (226)
% Defense Absorb Rate (143)
% Defense Increase (135)
% Dexterity Increase (165)
% Drop Rate (35)
% Earth Magic Power (45)
% Earth Resistance (221)
% Energy Recovery (141)
% Experience Value Rate (34)
% Fire Magic Power (47)
% Fire Resistance (223)
% Focus Regeneration (140)
% Gathering Production Amount (201)
% Gathering Speed (202)
% Gathering XP (203)
% Gold Drop Rate (137)
% Heal Absorb Rate (144)
% Healing Power Increase Rate (149)
% Intelligence Increase (163)
% Light Magic Power (49)
% Light Resistance (225)
% Magic Absorb Rate (142)
% Magic Power (44)
% Magic Resistance Rate (200)
% Magical Accuracy (199)
% Magical Area Damage (208)
% Magical Attack Increase (171)
% Magical Critical Damage (21)
% Magical Damage Rate (192)
% Magical Defense Increase Percentage (170)
% Max HP Increase (167)
% Max MP Increase (168)
% Melee Attack Delay (72)
% Melee Weapon Damage Rate (56)
% Movement Speed (24)
% Off-Hand Accuracy (36)
% Off-Hand Damage Rate (37)
% Parry Rate (227)
% Physical Accuracy (197)
% Physical Attack Increase (134)
% Production Speed (210)
% Production XP (211)
% Quest TP (213)
% Quest XP/TP (212)
% Rage Recovery Rate (139)
% Ranged Weapon Damage Rate (52)
% Reduced Energy Consumption (215)
% Reduced Focus Consumption (216)
% Reduced MP Consumption (33)
% Reduced Rage Consumption (214)
% Remote Attack Delay (68)
% Ride Speed Increase Rate (169)
% Shield Defense Strengthening Rate (43)
% Staff Damage Rate (64)
% Stamina Increase (162)
% Strength Increase (161)
% Sword Damage Rate (58)
% TP Adjustment (NPC) (218)
% TP Experience (175)
% Tailoring Quality Probability Increase (131)
% Unarmed Damage Rate (57)
% Wand Damage Rate (60)
% Water Magic Power (46)
% Water Resistance (222)
% Wind Magic Power (48)
% Wind Resistance (224)
% Wisdom Increase (164)
% XP Adjustment (NPC) (217)
% damage on monster (205)
% damage on player (204)
% resistance against damage from a monster (207)
% resistance against damage from a player (206)
Accuracy (16)
All Attributes (7)
All Resistances (26)
Bonus to Daily Quest TP (229)
Bonus to Daily Quest XP (228)
Damage (25)
Dark Damage (189)
Dark Resistance (32)
Defense (13)
Defense Absorb Points (146)
Dexterity (6)
Dodge (17)
Dodge Rate (198)
Earth Damage (184)
Earth Resistance (27)
Equipment Ability 1-H Hammer (89)
Equipment Ability 2-H Axe (92)
Equipment Ability 2-H Hammer (93)
Equipment Ability 2-H Sword (90)
Equipment Ability 2-H Weapon (106)
Equipment Ability Axe (88)
Equipment Ability Bow (95)
Equipment Ability Chain (100)
Equipment Ability Crossbow (96)
Equipment Ability Leather (101)
Equipment Ability Plate (99)
Equipment Ability Projectiles (98)
Equipment Ability Staff (91)
Equipment Ability Unarmed (84)
Fire Damage (186)
Fire Resistance (29)
HP Recovery (10)
Healing Absorption Points (147)
Healing Power Increase Points (150)
Herbalism Skill Up (153)
Intelligence (4)
Jump Ability (190)
Light Damage (188)
Light Resistance (31)
MP Recovery Rate (11)
Magic Resistance (196)
Magical Accuracy (195)
Magical Attack (15)
Magical Bonus Damage (148)
Magical Critical Hit Rate (20)
Magical Critical Resistance (183)
Magical Damage (191)
Magical Defense (14)
Maximum HP (8)
Maximum MP (9)
Melee Weapon Range (219)
Mining Skill Up (154)
Parry Rate (22)
Physical Attack (12)
Physical Critical Hit Rate (18)
Physical Critical Resistance (182)
Secondary Class Experience Value (174)
Shield Block (172)
Stamina (3)
Strength (2)
Water Resistance (28)
Wind Damage (187)
Wind Resistance (30)
Wisdom (5)
Woodcutting Skill Up (152)
attrib: all (-1)
% 1-H Hammer Damage Rate (62)
% 2-H Axe Damage Rate (65)
% 2-H Hammer Damage Rate (66)
% 2-H Sword Damage Rate (63)
% Aggro Increase (138)
% Alchemy Quality Probability Increase (133)
% All Basic Attributes Increase (166)
% All Resistances (220)
% Area Magical Damage Resistance (209)
% Armor Defense Strengthening Rate (38)
% Armorcrafting Quality Probability Increase (130)
% Attack Speed (23)
% Axe Damage Rate (61)
% Blacksmithing Quality Probability Increase (128)
% Bow Attack Delay (69)
% Bow Damage Rate (53)
% Carpentry Quality Probability Increase (129)
% Carry Out Additional Attack (181)
% Casting Speed (51)
% Cooking Quality Probability Increase (132)
% Critical Damage (19)
% Crossbow Attack Delay (70)
% Crossbow Damage Rate (54)
% Dagger Damage Rate (59)
% Damage Increase (173)
% Dark Magic Power (50)
% Dark Resistance (226)
% Defense Absorb Rate (143)
% Defense Increase (135)
% Dexterity Increase (165)
% Drop Rate (35)
% Earth Magic Power (45)
% Earth Resistance (221)
% Energy Recovery (141)
% Experience Value Rate (34)
% Fire Magic Power (47)
% Fire Resistance (223)
% Focus Regeneration (140)
% Gathering Production Amount (201)
% Gathering Speed (202)
% Gathering XP (203)
% Gold Drop Rate (137)
% Heal Absorb Rate (144)
% Healing Power Increase Rate (149)
% Intelligence Increase (163)
% Light Magic Power (49)
% Light Resistance (225)
% Magic Absorb Rate (142)
% Magic Power (44)
% Magic Resistance Rate (200)
% Magical Accuracy (199)
% Magical Area Damage (208)
% Magical Attack Increase (171)
% Magical Critical Damage (21)
% Magical Damage Rate (192)
% Magical Defense Increase Percentage (170)
% Max HP Increase (167)
% Max MP Increase (168)
% Melee Attack Delay (72)
% Melee Weapon Damage Rate (56)
% Movement Speed (24)
% Off-Hand Accuracy (36)
% Off-Hand Damage Rate (37)
% Parry Rate (227)
% Physical Accuracy (197)
% Physical Attack Increase (134)
% Production Speed (210)
% Production XP (211)
% Quest TP (213)
% Quest XP/TP (212)
% Rage Recovery Rate (139)
% Ranged Weapon Damage Rate (52)
% Reduced Energy Consumption (215)
% Reduced Focus Consumption (216)
% Reduced MP Consumption (33)
% Reduced Rage Consumption (214)
% Remote Attack Delay (68)
% Ride Speed Increase Rate (169)
% Shield Defense Strengthening Rate (43)
% Staff Damage Rate (64)
% Stamina Increase (162)
% Strength Increase (161)
% Sword Damage Rate (58)
% TP Adjustment (NPC) (218)
% TP Experience (175)
% Tailoring Quality Probability Increase (131)
% Unarmed Damage Rate (57)
% Wand Damage Rate (60)
% Water Magic Power (46)
% Water Resistance (222)
% Wind Magic Power (48)
% Wind Resistance (224)
% Wisdom Increase (164)
% XP Adjustment (NPC) (217)
% damage on monster (205)
% damage on player (204)
% resistance against damage from a monster (207)
% resistance against damage from a player (206)
Accuracy (16)
All Attributes (7)
All Resistances (26)
Bonus to Daily Quest TP (229)
Bonus to Daily Quest XP (228)
Damage (25)
Dark Damage (189)
Dark Resistance (32)
Defense (13)
Defense Absorb Points (146)
Dexterity (6)
Dodge (17)
Dodge Rate (198)
Earth Damage (184)
Earth Resistance (27)
Equipment Ability 1-H Hammer (89)
Equipment Ability 2-H Axe (92)
Equipment Ability 2-H Hammer (93)
Equipment Ability 2-H Sword (90)
Equipment Ability 2-H Weapon (106)
Equipment Ability Axe (88)
Equipment Ability Bow (95)
Equipment Ability Chain (100)
Equipment Ability Crossbow (96)
Equipment Ability Leather (101)
Equipment Ability Plate (99)
Equipment Ability Projectiles (98)
Equipment Ability Staff (91)
Equipment Ability Unarmed (84)
Fire Damage (186)
Fire Resistance (29)
HP Recovery (10)
Healing Absorption Points (147)
Healing Power Increase Points (150)
Herbalism Skill Up (153)
Intelligence (4)
Jump Ability (190)
Light Damage (188)
Light Resistance (31)
MP Recovery Rate (11)
Magic Resistance (196)
Magical Accuracy (195)
Magical Attack (15)
Magical Bonus Damage (148)
Magical Critical Hit Rate (20)
Magical Critical Resistance (183)
Magical Damage (191)
Magical Defense (14)
Maximum HP (8)
Maximum MP (9)
Melee Weapon Range (219)
Mining Skill Up (154)
Parry Rate (22)
Physical Attack (12)
Physical Critical Hit Rate (18)
Physical Critical Resistance (182)
Secondary Class Experience Value (174)
Shield Block (172)
Stamina (3)
Strength (2)
Water Resistance (28)
Wind Damage (187)
Wind Resistance (30)
Wisdom (5)
Woodcutting Skill Up (152)
attrib: all (-1)
% 1-H Hammer Damage Rate (62)
% 2-H Axe Damage Rate (65)
% 2-H Hammer Damage Rate (66)
% 2-H Sword Damage Rate (63)
% Aggro Increase (138)
% Alchemy Quality Probability Increase (133)
% All Basic Attributes Increase (166)
% All Resistances (220)
% Area Magical Damage Resistance (209)
% Armor Defense Strengthening Rate (38)
% Armorcrafting Quality Probability Increase (130)
% Attack Speed (23)
% Axe Damage Rate (61)
% Blacksmithing Quality Probability Increase (128)
% Bow Attack Delay (69)
% Bow Damage Rate (53)
% Carpentry Quality Probability Increase (129)
% Carry Out Additional Attack (181)
% Casting Speed (51)
% Cooking Quality Probability Increase (132)
% Critical Damage (19)
% Crossbow Attack Delay (70)
% Crossbow Damage Rate (54)
% Dagger Damage Rate (59)
% Damage Increase (173)
% Dark Magic Power (50)
% Dark Resistance (226)
% Defense Absorb Rate (143)
% Defense Increase (135)
% Dexterity Increase (165)
% Drop Rate (35)
% Earth Magic Power (45)
% Earth Resistance (221)
% Energy Recovery (141)
% Experience Value Rate (34)
% Fire Magic Power (47)
% Fire Resistance (223)
% Focus Regeneration (140)
% Gathering Production Amount (201)
% Gathering Speed (202)
% Gathering XP (203)
% Gold Drop Rate (137)
% Heal Absorb Rate (144)
% Healing Power Increase Rate (149)
% Intelligence Increase (163)
% Light Magic Power (49)
% Light Resistance (225)
% Magic Absorb Rate (142)
% Magic Power (44)
% Magic Resistance Rate (200)
% Magical Accuracy (199)
% Magical Area Damage (208)
% Magical Attack Increase (171)
% Magical Critical Damage (21)
% Magical Damage Rate (192)
% Magical Defense Increase Percentage (170)
% Max HP Increase (167)
% Max MP Increase (168)
% Melee Attack Delay (72)
% Melee Weapon Damage Rate (56)
% Movement Speed (24)
% Off-Hand Accuracy (36)
% Off-Hand Damage Rate (37)
% Parry Rate (227)
% Physical Accuracy (197)
% Physical Attack Increase (134)
% Production Speed (210)
% Production XP (211)
% Quest TP (213)
% Quest XP/TP (212)
% Rage Recovery Rate (139)
% Ranged Weapon Damage Rate (52)
% Reduced Energy Consumption (215)
% Reduced Focus Consumption (216)
% Reduced MP Consumption (33)
% Reduced Rage Consumption (214)
% Remote Attack Delay (68)
% Ride Speed Increase Rate (169)
% Shield Defense Strengthening Rate (43)
% Staff Damage Rate (64)
% Stamina Increase (162)
% Strength Increase (161)
% Sword Damage Rate (58)
% TP Adjustment (NPC) (218)
% TP Experience (175)
% Tailoring Quality Probability Increase (131)
% Unarmed Damage Rate (57)
% Wand Damage Rate (60)
% Water Magic Power (46)
% Water Resistance (222)
% Wind Magic Power (48)
% Wind Resistance (224)
% Wisdom Increase (164)
% XP Adjustment (NPC) (217)
% damage on monster (205)
% damage on player (204)
% resistance against damage from a monster (207)
% resistance against damage from a player (206)
Accuracy (16)
All Attributes (7)
All Resistances (26)
Bonus to Daily Quest TP (229)
Bonus to Daily Quest XP (228)
Damage (25)
Dark Damage (189)
Dark Resistance (32)
Defense (13)
Defense Absorb Points (146)
Dexterity (6)
Dodge (17)
Dodge Rate (198)
Earth Damage (184)
Earth Resistance (27)
Equipment Ability 1-H Hammer (89)
Equipment Ability 2-H Axe (92)
Equipment Ability 2-H Hammer (93)
Equipment Ability 2-H Sword (90)
Equipment Ability 2-H Weapon (106)
Equipment Ability Axe (88)
Equipment Ability Bow (95)
Equipment Ability Chain (100)
Equipment Ability Crossbow (96)
Equipment Ability Leather (101)
Equipment Ability Plate (99)
Equipment Ability Projectiles (98)
Equipment Ability Staff (91)
Equipment Ability Unarmed (84)
Fire Damage (186)
Fire Resistance (29)
HP Recovery (10)
Healing Absorption Points (147)
Healing Power Increase Points (150)
Herbalism Skill Up (153)
Intelligence (4)
Jump Ability (190)
Light Damage (188)
Light Resistance (31)
MP Recovery Rate (11)
Magic Resistance (196)
Magical Accuracy (195)
Magical Attack (15)
Magical Bonus Damage (148)
Magical Critical Hit Rate (20)
Magical Critical Resistance (183)
Magical Damage (191)
Magical Defense (14)
Maximum HP (8)
Maximum MP (9)
Melee Weapon Range (219)
Mining Skill Up (154)
Parry Rate (22)
Physical Attack (12)
Physical Critical Hit Rate (18)
Physical Critical Resistance (182)
Secondary Class Experience Value (174)
Shield Block (172)
Stamina (3)
Strength (2)
Water Resistance (28)
Wind Damage (187)
Wind Resistance (30)
Wisdom (5)
Woodcutting Skill Up (152)
order by id
order by effecttime
order by maxbufflevel
order by magicgroup
result count: 1
start search
Web Foot Bind
Time: 00:00:30
-5 % Movement Speed(24)
-5 % Attack Speed(23)
10 % Casting Speed(51)
HateCost: 0
MaxLv: 9