result count: 1

100131 - 570146
The other leader of Amias' crime syndicate, and Amias' younger twin brother. He has concealed his existence in order to confuse those who might want to harm his twin.
Boss (3)
Lv: 20+0
Activate Rune
HP: 82.627
PATK: 935
MATK: 821
PDEF: 621
MDEF: 671
PDMG: 367
Respawn: 00:30:00
xp: 758
tp: 7.581
722216 (200%)
722386 (200%)
722896 (200%)
722964 (200%)
210117 Leaf Ridge Blade (100%)
201631 Treasure Chest Key (100%)
720024 (50%)
720094 (5%)
550950 (4.36%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
721906 (1.329%)
211348 Crystal Cast Long Blade (1.322%)
550849 (0.274%)
770049 Card - Amias (0.1%)