result count: 1
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
102213 - 578528 Lava Supervisor The smartest Goblins are sent to supervise. | normal (0) Lv: 53+0 Savage Lands (8) >136, 14, 28208 >(51, 14) Activate Rune | HP: 19.884 PATK: 1.210 MATK: 978 PDEF: 4.517 MDEF: 5.445 PDMG: 396 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 650 tp: 780 | 720011 (5%) 720142 (5%) 722159 (3.5%) 720101 (3%) 723983 (3%) 722193 (2%) 724499 (1.5%) 724500 (1%) 770700 Card - Lava Supervisor (1%) |