result count: 1

104284 - 584041
Sand-ripple Tortoise
Because it likes to eat [116448|Devil's Paw], large amounts of poison build up in its body. The more poison that accumulates in the body, the darker the shell color becomes.
Beside the Yasheedee, it is the only creature that can eat [116448|Devil's Paw].
normal (0)
Lv: 60+2
Limo Desert (18)
>9777, 173, 51161
>(54, 36)
Link Rune
HP: 32.390
PATK: 2.134
MATK: 1.198
PDEF: 6.471
MDEF: 6.661
PDMG: 803
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 863
tp: 1.036
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725311 (2%)
725313 (2%)
770899 Card - Sand-ripple Tortoise (0.1%)