result count: 1

107099 - 574523
Tusked Tundra Mammoth
[Sys100871_shortnote|Fights between mammoths bulls are as intense as a blizzard, but fights between mammoths and humans are just "smoosh," and it's over.]
normal (0)
Lv: 76+1
Merdhin Tundra (24)
>5931, 14, -15516
>(51, 88)
Frost Rune
HP: 186.798
PATK: 17.995
MATK: 1.378
PDEF: 54.233
MDEF: 41.418
PDMG: 2.789
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.185
tp: 1.422
720142 (10%)
726766 (10%)
720011 (5%)
726103 (2%)
726104 (2%)
726105 (0.1%)
726106 (0.1%)
771309 Card - Tusked Tundra Mammoth (0.1%)