result count: 1

107936 - 803861
Swamp Snake Man
The members of this small indigenous folk on the island raid pirates or wagons that are in transit near the [ZONE_WASTE_BOATHOUSE_BAR|Sign of the Creaking Wreck].
normal (0)
Lv: 86+0
Jungle of Hortek (28)
>-3931, -64, 17123
>(41, 72)
Frost Rune
HP: 283.420
PATK: 21.317
MATK: 2.342
PDEF: 74.540
MDEF: 72.985
PDMG: 2.921
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.444
tp: 1.733
720142 (10%)
726877 (10%)
720011 (5%)
720854 (2%)
720855 (2%)
720856 (0.1%)
720857 (0.1%)
771475 Card - Swamp Snake Man (0.1%)