result count: 1
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
108140 - 574537 Irunia Eagle A creature that flies so high must be able to escape the [123389|Thorned Blood Vine]. | normal (0) Lv: 89+2 Salioca Basin (29) >14638, -26, 24908 >(43, 51) Disenchant Rune | HP: 406.422 PATK: 25.157 MATK: 2.516 PDEF: 85.975 MDEF: 86.372 PDMG: 2.970 | Respawn: 00:01:30 xp: 1.533 tp: 1.839 | 243138 Tough Eagle Meat (60%) 720142 (10%) 726877 (10%) 720011 (5%) 720928 (2%) 720929 (2%) 720930 (0.1%) 720931 (0.1%) 771542 Card - Irunia Eagle (0.1%) |