result count: 1

108147 - 588077
Sandbank Sludge Monster
These dangerous creatures long hindered the work on the [ZONE_MUCKGALE_PORT_MALTA_CARA|Muckgale Port], until it became known that resources were hidden inside them - resources which helped speed up the expansion of the port.
normal (0)
Lv: 84+2
Wailing Fjord (27)
>-11218, 83, 1737
>(17, 80)
Frost Rune
HP: 272.979
PATK: 18.110
MATK: 3.378
PDEF: 73.917
MDEF: 66.304
PDMG: 2.241
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 1.388
tp: 1.666