result count: 1

108400 - 800754
It is once again [108400|Sismond] that you find hidden behind schemes and plots, turning the screws. Nobody knows what he actually intends. One thing is certain: he is putting all of Taborea into a state of turmoil. Kidd has now banished him with a seal, but what if he one day manages to free himself again?
Boss (4)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>16314, -1711, 42274
>(56, 27)
Blend Rune
HP: 266.642.082
PATK: 440.894
MATK: 27.007
PDEF: 595.916
MDEF: 601.507
PDMG: 133.310
5.800Parry Piercing
6Dodge Rate
20% Physical Accuracy
Respawn: 08:00:00