result count: 1
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
108495 - 804604 Kashay Sentinel These former Franko Pirates have been infected by the Kashay and are under their control. With their thick, leathery skin and superhuman strength, the Kashay like to send them on at the forefront. | normal (0) Lv: 92+2 Kashaylan (30) >15658, 395, 38253 >(53, 51) Blend Rune | HP: 451.885 PATK: 27.454 MATK: 2.900 PDEF: 91.314 MDEF: 89.893 PDMG: 3.215 | Respawn: 00:01:30 xp: 1.627 tp: 1.952 | 720142 (10%) 723988 (10%) 720011 (5%) 721012 (2%) 721013 (2%) 721014 (0.1%) 721015 (0.1%) 771619 Card - Kashay Sentinel (0.1%) |