result count: 2

102113 - 572073
Pi'miro Gelis
normal (0)
Lv: 50+0
Signal Rune
HP: 3.222
PATK: 898
MATK: 893
PDEF: 2.695
MDEF: 2.679
PDMG: 189
Respawn: 00:00:10
104608 - 572073
Lamont Tikilnis
normal (0)
Lv: 50+0
Activate Rune
HP: 16.773
PATK: 674
MATK: 993
PDEF: 4.009
MDEF: 6.436
PDMG: 423
Respawn: 00:06:00
720210 (30%)
720094 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
722284 (2.769%)
722624 (2.769%)
722794 (2.769%)
222563 Boots of the Wasteland (1.924%)
721906 (1.329%)
220233 Militia Chainmail (0.481%)
550784 (0.331%)
770048 Card - Zurhidon Disciple (0.1%)