result count: 2

100262 - 572691
A Morcus beast belonging to Sirloth. It utilizes its evil master's strength and skills to such an extent that its might far exceeds that of other Morcus beasts.
Boss (3)
Lv: 39+0
Necropolis of Mirrors (103)
>3176, -541, 4733
>(54, 18)
Blend Rune
HP: 223.721
PATK: 1.465
MATK: 3.413
PDEF: 2.029
MDEF: 2.048
PDMG: 625
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 1.916
tp: 19.156
722291 (200%)
722427 (200%)
722869 (200%)
722937 (200%)
720025 (200%)
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721913 (15%)
720011 (3%)
770143 Card - Krodamar (1%)
106419 - 572691
Mutant Beast
These thick-skinned animals were tortured by the power of the King of the Fires, and instead of dying quickly, they mutated.
normal (0)
Lv: 70+2
Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22)
>-22733, 586, -22080
>(26, 54)
Activate Rune
HP: 135.314
PATK: 13.059
MATK: 1.570
PDEF: 34.862
MDEF: 27.110
PDMG: 2.016
Respawn: 00:00:50
xp: 1.052
tp: 1.263
240940 Dusty Pages (60%)
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725777 (2%)
725778 (2%)
771221 Card - Mutant Beast (0.1%)