result count: 1

100122 - 572694
Leader of the Hidden Valley wolf cubs. [100122|Bubsitan] often goes to the Pioneers Colony to raise hell, taking whatever he wants before running away.
Boss (3)
Lv: 5+0
Link Rune
HP: 11.862
PATK: 208
MATK: 393
PDEF: 205
MDEF: 163
PDMG: 101
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 365
tp: 3.647
722280 (200%)
722416 (200%)
722518 (200%)
720173 (200%)
240666 Bubsitan's Spirit Crystal (200%)
201620 Treasure Chest Key (100%)
720024 (50%)
220230 Sentry's Chaincoat (16.11%)
210251 Blizzard Bow (16.11%)
720092 (5%)
770075 Card - Bubsitan (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
721902 (2.733%)
220081 Outlaw Headgear (1.253%)