result count: 3
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
100818 - 574158 Olias "You've seen how big it is and still think you can take it on alone?" - Old Woodsman Madden | Boss (3) Lv: 34+0 Dragonfang Ridge (11) >-21643, 1389, -11829 >(80, 29) Link Rune | HP: 180.026 PATK: 2.126 MATK: 2.832 PDEF: 1.606 MDEF: 1.622 PDMG: 717 | Respawn: 01:00:00 xp: 1.501 tp: 15.010 | 723581 (200%) 722527 (200%) 720182 (200%) 720097 (5%) 720141 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723981 (3%) 770408 Card - Olias (1%) 211419 Sword of the Martyr (0.4%) |
100821 - 574158 Wild Mane Spirit of the wilderness, found in the northern grasslands. It is said that he is one of the masters of the animal kingdom. | Boss (3) Lv: 11+1 Sascilia Steppes (10) >-35657, 182, 3012 >(36, 28) Link Rune | HP: 31.392 PATK: 504 MATK: 951 PDEF: 358 MDEF: 398 PDMG: 208 | Respawn: 00:10:00 xp: 2.443 tp: 122.168 | 722247 (200%) 722621 (200%) 722893 (200%) 720093 (5%) 204531 Magic Hormone (5%) 720140 (5%) 222656 Storm Gust Headband (3.417%) 720011 (3%) 723979 (3%) 770391 Card - Wild Mane (1%) |
101791 - 574158 Battlewolf Commander Axis Its skill is massacre and its methods are madness. It's the tooth and claw commander, running onto the battlefield like a hurricane. | Boss (3) Lv: 50+0 Link Rune | HP: 401.295 PATK: 4.262 MATK: 4.913 PDEF: 4.555 MDEF: 4.582 PDMG: 1.272 | Respawn: 00:20:00 xp: 4.680 tp: 46.805 | 724267 (200%) 720100 (50%) 724520 (30%) 722191 (10%) 722157 (10%) 724180 (6%) 724185 (6%) 720142 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723982 (3%) 222595 Holy Pearl Scepter (0.4%) 770530 Card - Battlewolf Commander Axis (0.1%) 550937 (0.1%) |