result count: 5

109461 - 574669
Mutated Carnivorous Plant
The [109461|Mutated Carnivorous Plants] are a good example that demonstrates how the decay at an advanced stage can lead to mutations. They are extremely vicious and attack anything that's alive. There are scholars at the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] who believe that the [109461|Mutated Carnivorous Plants] are a further mutation of the [109466|Mutated Demon Weed].
normal (0)
Lv: 100+0
Enoch (36)
>-1656, 104, -2379
>(39, 83)
Frost Rune
HP: 821.829
PATK: 42.900
MATK: 8.250
PDEF: 128.702
MDEF: 128.950
PDMG: 6.300
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.906
tp: 2.287
720142 (10%)
720342 (10%)
720011 (5%)
724078 (2%)
724079 (2%)
724033 (0.1%)
724034 (0.1%)
771242 Card - Mutated Carnivorous Plant (0.1%)
109514 - 574669
Mutated Temple Carnivorous Plant
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep (Hard) (184)
>-1479, 488, -1029
>(34, 64)
Link Rune
HP: 8.612.475
PATK: 281.286
MATK: 23.699
PDEF: 404.688
MDEF: 404.973
PDMG: 60.411
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
720342 (100%)
720142 (60%)
724078 (3.5%)
724079 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
724033 (1.5%)
724034 (1.5%)
109529 - 574669
Mutated Temple Carnivorous Plant
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep (185)
>-1479, 488, -1029
>(34, 64)
Link Rune
HP: 2.866.126
PATK: 219.668
MATK: 23.699
PDEF: 148.736
MDEF: 149.021
PDMG: 40.320
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
720342 (100%)
720142 (60%)
724078 (3.5%)
724079 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
724033 (1.5%)
724034 (1.5%)
109544 - 574669
Mutated Temple Carnivorous Plant
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep (Easy) (186)
>-1479, 488, -1029
>(34, 64)
Link Rune
HP: 1.068.770
PATK: 100.039
MATK: 21.199
PDEF: 130.502
MDEF: 130.757
PDMG: 18.787
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
720342 (100%)
720142 (60%)
724078 (3.5%)
724079 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
724033 (1.5%)
724034 (1.5%)
109703 - 574669
Ashwood Carnivorous Plant
The bright colors are a solid indication that this plant is poisonous. A single bite is rarely lethal, but several are sufficient to guarantee a excruciating death... and Ashwood Carnivorous Plants seldom appear alone!
normal (0)
Lv: 101+0
Chassizz (38)
>1367, 83, -1830
>(53, 63)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.180.141
PATK: 54.363
MATK: 13.131
PDEF: 162.549
MDEF: 163.082
PDMG: 7.451
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.944
tp: 2.333
720142 (10%)
720342 (10%)
720011 (5%)
724870 (2%)
724871 (2%)
724872 (0.1%)
724873 (0.1%)
771933 Card - Ashwood Carnivorous Plant (0.1%)