result count: 1

100905 - 574679
Ravenous Kalod
Bigger than the ordinary newt he is called Ravenous Kalod by the people of Logar for his great appetite. The little ones like him, but he often charges into Logar to assault the provision storage, which makes the adults consider him a nuisance.
Boss (3)
Lv: 7+1
Howling Mountains (1)
>2198, -254, -4823
>(73, 30)
Link Rune
HP: 19.373
PATK: 308
MATK: 560
PDEF: 295
MDEF: 240
PDMG: 137
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 402
tp: 4.020
722449 (200%)
722483 (200%)
722517 (200%)
720172 (200%)
240667 Ravenous Kalod's Spirit Crystal (200%)
720024 (100%)
770234 Card - Ravenous Kalod (30%)
222649 Breezy Boots (3.222%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)