result count: 2
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
101596 - 576711 Fire Giant Soldier | Elite (2) Lv: 50+0 Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (114) >5742, 659, 2464 >(73, 73) Link Rune | HP: 50.142 PATK: 4.006 MATK: 2.233 PDEF: 4.287 MDEF: 4.314 PDMG: 1.400 | Respawn: 08:20:00 xp: 2.340 tp: 11.701 | 720100 (10%) 722191 (5%) 720142 (5%) 722157 (4%) 724180 (3.5%) 720011 (3%) 723982 (3%) 724185 (1.5%) |
108971 - 576711 Spirit of Lava | Elite (2) Lv: 93+0 Hall of Fire (198) >4198, 855, 3885 >(58, 52) Activate Rune | HP: 7.375.814 PATK: 374.464 MATK: 23.368 PDEF: 732.512 MDEF: 738.203 PCRITRES: 2.000 MCRITRES: 1.000 PDMG: 77.109 12% Physical Accuracy 4Dodge Rate 2.000Parry Piercing 8% Magical Accuracy 4% Magic Resistance Rate | Respawn: 166:40:00 xp: 20.739 tp: 311.087 | 726877 (100%) 720142 (60%) 243225 Fire Essence (5%) 720928 (3.5%) 720929 (3.5%) 720011 (3%) 720930 (1.5%) 720931 (1.5%) |