result count: 5
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
102207 - 578496 Naga Defender Low-level Naga that lead the Kaa Guards and together guard the Naga camp. | Elite (2) Lv: 53+0 Savage Lands (8) >6554, 212, 25005 >(76, 30) Activate Rune | HP: 48.254 PATK: 5.110 MATK: 2.446 PDEF: 6.141 MDEF: 6.328 PDMG: 1.330 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 1.355 tp: 3.386 | 720142 (5%) 720011 (5%) 724500 (3.5%) 720101 (3%) 723983 (3%) 724499 (2%) 724498 (1.5%) 724270 (1%) 724521 (1%) 770708 Card - Naga Defender (1%) |
102262 - 578496 Naga Guardian | normal (0) Lv: 53+0 Signal Rune | HP: 31.272 PATK: 1.210 MATK: 978 PDEF: 6.141 MDEF: 7.389 PDMG: 396 | Respawn: 00:03:00 | |
102710 - 578496 Naga Commando Captain | Elite (2) Lv: 53+0 Activate Rune | HP: 48.254 PATK: 5.110 MATK: 2.446 PDEF: 6.141 MDEF: 6.328 PDMG: 1.330 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 1.355 tp: 3.386 | 205971 Naga Emblem (100%) 720011 (5%) 720142 (5%) 724500 (3.5%) 720101 (3%) 723983 (3%) 724499 (2%) 724498 (1.5%) 724270 (1%) 724521 (1%) |
105178 - 578496 Ancient Naga Rebel It is said that the earliest Naga were Banegithia's subordinates, however, no matter the Naga of one thousand years ago or the Naga of today, there are always traitors among them. | normal (0) Lv: 41+2 Coast of Opportunity (13) >-3365, 764, 3163 >(48, 31) Link Rune | HP: 4.516 PATK: 784 MATK: 665 PDEF: 2.352 MDEF: 2.357 PDMG: 311 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 253 tp: 304 | 209082 Naga Knife (80%) 720099 (5%) 720142 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 722563 (0.667%) 722563 (0.667%) 723345 (0.667%) 211374 Ancient Battlehammer (0.4%) 721914 (0.32%) 771004 Card - Ancient Naga Rebel (0.1%) |
109734 - 578496 Serpent Lair Protector A purebred Naga from the [ZONE_TWIN_SERPENT_DEN|Twin Serpent Lair]. These are basically [109733|Serpent Lair Logistics Officers] shoved into a uniform and given a weapon. They're nowhere near as strong as the troops of the [109735|Serpent Lair Vanguard], but they're more numerous, and they exploit those numbers to overwhelm their opponents. | normal (0) Lv: 102+0 Chassizz (38) >2228, 189, 1186 >(59, 33) Disenchant Rune | HP: 1.186.193 PATK: 54.838 MATK: 8.801 PDEF: 164.515 MDEF: 164.503 PDMG: 7.503 | Respawn: 00:01:30 xp: 1.983 tp: 2.379 | 720142 (10%) 720342 (10%) 720011 (5%) 724870 (2%) 724871 (2%) 724872 (0.1%) 724873 (0.1%) 771960 Card - Serpent Lair Protector (0.1%) |