result count: 3
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
102265 - 578499 Naga Suppressor Naga have two ways of dealing with animals that disobey them: bloody suppression and total annihilation. | Elite (2) Lv: 53+0 Savage Lands (8) >1721, 227, 26003 >(57, 25) Activate Rune | HP: 48.254 PATK: 5.110 MATK: 2.446 PDEF: 6.141 MDEF: 6.328 PDMG: 1.330 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 1.355 tp: 3.386 | 205664 Commando Weapon (65%) 720011 (5%) 720142 (5%) 724500 (3.5%) 720101 (3%) 723983 (3%) 724499 (2%) 724498 (1.5%) 724270 (1%) 724521 (1%) 770705 Card - Naga Suppressor (1%) |
102716 - 578499 Naga Supply Captain | Elite (2) Lv: 53+0 Activate Rune | HP: 48.254 PATK: 5.110 MATK: 2.446 PDEF: 6.141 MDEF: 6.328 PDMG: 1.330 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 1.355 tp: 3.386 | 720011 (5%) 720142 (5%) 724500 (3.5%) 720101 (3%) 723983 (3%) 724499 (2%) 724498 (1.5%) 724270 (1%) 724521 (1%) |
109748 - 578499 Naga Guard of the Celestial Spire These warriors are far superior to the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] guards. | normal (0) Lv: 102+0 Chassizz (38) >5165, 173, 2637 >(81, 18) Disenchant Rune | HP: 1.186.193 PATK: 54.838 MATK: 8.801 PDEF: 164.515 MDEF: 164.503 PDMG: 7.503 | Respawn: 00:01:30 xp: 1.983 tp: 2.379 | 720142 (10%) 720342 (10%) 720011 (5%) 724870 (2%) 724871 (2%) 724872 (0.1%) 724873 (0.1%) 771978 Card - Naga Guard of the Celestial Spire (0.1%) |