result count: 4
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
103835 - 581866 Blood Clawed Chupura The teeth of this Chupura are not so strong, but fortunately it has sharp claws. Otherwise this Chupura would be doomed as it would become the hunted. | normal (0) Lv: 57+2 Southern Janost Forest (16) >-3027, -699, 22327 >(51, 49) Link Rune | HP: 23.670 PATK: 1.534 MATK: 1.100 PDEF: 5.183 MDEF: 5.690 PDMG: 648 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 790 tp: 948 | 720101 (15%) 720142 (10%) 723983 (10%) 720011 (5%) 722159 (3.5%) 722193 (2%) 725214 (1.5%) 725215 (1.5%) 770823 Card - Blood Clawed Chupura (0.1%) |
103849 - 581866 Warnorken Patrol Chupura Trained by Warnorken soldiers with unparalleled brutality. Once they bite, they will not let go unless ordered by the soldiers. Otherwise, you better not be so foolish to believe that you can take back any piece of flesh it already got its teeth on, even if it be your own body's flesh. | normal (0) Lv: 57+2 Southern Janost Forest (16) >-2765, -274, 20293 >(52, 64) Link Rune | HP: 23.670 PATK: 1.534 MATK: 1.100 PDEF: 5.183 MDEF: 5.690 PDMG: 648 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 659 tp: 659 | 720101 (15%) 720142 (10%) 723983 (10%) 720011 (5%) 722159 (3.5%) 722193 (2%) 725214 (1.5%) 725215 (1.5%) 770807 Card - Warnorken Patrol Chupura (0.1%) |
105483 - 581866 Scavenger Chupura With so many adventurer corpses lying around, the Chupuras have started to incorporate them into their diet. That said, if there aren't any corpses around, they will still pounce on an adventurer that they think is easy prey. | normal (0) Lv: 46+0 Xaviera (14) >9424, -9, 10359 >(68, 26) Link Rune | HP: 5.352 PATK: 901 MATK: 787 PDEF: 2.739 MDEF: 2.763 PDMG: 330 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 323 tp: 388 | 720142 (10%) 723982 (10%) 720011 (5%) 724185 (2%) 724180 (2%) 771079 Card - Scavenger Chupura (0.1%) |
105764 - 581866 Bone Chomper Beastling When a [105763|Female Bone Chomper] feeds a [105764|Bone Chomper Beastling], the [105764|Bone Chomper Beastling] will frequently spit out food and hide it under its foot whenever the [105763|Female Bone Chomper] isn't paying attention. All this is done in the greedy hope of getting more feedings. | normal (0) Lv: 64+0 Link Rune | HP: 58.439 PATK: 4.503 MATK: 1.338 PDEF: 15.539 MDEF: 15.539 PDMG: 1.080 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 934 tp: 1.121 | 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725535 (2%) 725539 (2%) 771114 Card - Bone Chomper Beastling (0.1%) |