result count: 1

104487 - 584271
Crimson Devourer
A newly evolved sub-species of [104296|Sandstorm Yasheedee]. Like the [<S>104485|Hardskin Yasheedees], they also have tough skin that protects against physical blows, but their irascible temperament is similar to the [<S>104296|Sandstorm Yasheedees]. As such, they are a major threat to travelers to [ZONE_TUCOOK_HOT_SPRINGS|Tukork Hot Springs].
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 1.678.120
PATK: 8.762
MATK: 6.591
PDEF: 19.055
MDEF: 8.219
PDMG: 2.892
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 4.316
tp: 25.899