result count: 1

107088 - 800809
Gray King Sheluud
The new, short-tempered leader of the Korum. Due to the Holy Tree, he declared war on the Alliance after hearing a rumor from [SC_MSRN_01|Maderoth]. This then developed into a large-scale war.
Elite (2)
Lv: 76+1
Merdhin Tundra (24)
>6434, 147, -11402
>(53, 63)
Activate Rune
HP: 532.090
PATK: 18.109
MATK: 4.578
PDEF: 62.144
MDEF: 61.926
PDMG: 4.920
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 1.481
tp: 2.222
242027 Gray King's Talisman (200%)
726103 (50%)
726104 (50%)
720142 (10%)
726766 (10%)
720011 (5%)
726105 (5%)
726106 (5%)
771328 Card - Gray King Sheluud (0.1%)