result count: 4
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
107109 - 801075 No. 731 Elemental Punisher A punisher that is made more powerful by imprisoning the Fire Elemental inside it. Not only does the [SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Elemental Punisher] successfully block the Alliance's attacks, it also poses a significant threat to the Alliance members stationed in the area. | Elite (2) Lv: 77+1 Merdhin Tundra (24) >2188, 550, -6779 >(34, 35) Activate Rune | HP: 468.000 PATK: 26.647 MATK: 4.695 PDEF: 48.182 MDEF: 51.342 PDMG: 5.384 | Respawn: 00:04:30 xp: 1.511 tp: 2.266 | 241356 Prison Rune (75%) 720142 (10%) 726766 (10%) 726103 (5%) 726104 (5%) 726105 (1%) 726106 (1%) 771318 Card - No. 731 Elemental Punisher (0.1%) |
107111 - 801075 Eliminate the Elemental Punishers | normal (0) Lv: 0+0 Link Rune | HP: 144 PATK: 28 MATK: 28 PDEF: 28 MDEF: 28 PDMG: 2 | Respawn: 00:00:00 | |
107697 - 801075 No. 733 Elemental Punisher Punisher that has been infused with the power of fire. | normal (0) Lv: 80+2 Sarlo (26) >-18150, 793, -8444 >(53, 57) Activate Rune | HP: 245.065 PATK: 18.385 MATK: 2.023 PDEF: 68.701 MDEF: 64.778 PDMG: 2.248 | Respawn: 00:00:00 xp: 1.283 tp: 1.539 | 720142 (10%) 726876 (10%) 720011 (5%) 726922 (2%) 726923 (2%) 726924 (0.1%) 726925 (0.1%) 771387 Card - No. 733 Elemental Punisher (0.1%) |
107735 - 801075 Patrolling Defense Line Punisher Deployed along the area from the [ZONE_VOID_GATEWAY|Gate of the Void] to [ZONE_BELLATIA_OUTER|Lower Belathis]. Although their bodies were not designed for combat, they can still put the Alliance forces into a highly stressful dilemma when encountered in numbers. | normal (0) Lv: 81+2 Sarlo (26) >-23125, 268, -11374 >(31, 74) Link Rune | HP: 251.115 PATK: 18.864 MATK: 2.074 PDEF: 70.475 MDEF: 66.316 PDMG: 2.301 | Respawn: 00:00:40 xp: 1.308 tp: 1.570 | 720142 (10%) 726876 (10%) 720011 (5%) 726922 (2%) 726923 (2%) 726924 (0.1%) 726925 (0.1%) 771410 Card - Patrolling Defense Line Punisher (0.1%) |