result count: 1

107915 - 803801
Zindkar Pirate Scavenger
Their huge physical stature makes the [<S>107915|Zindkar Pirate Scavengers] especially useful henchmen for the [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]. Only few manage to escape a confrontation with them.
normal (0)
Lv: 84+2
Wailing Fjord (27)
>-10009, 6, 10945
>(23, 24)
Link Rune
HP: 270.146
PATK: 18.027
MATK: 2.232
PDEF: 74.260
MDEF: 66.023
PDMG: 2.233
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.388
tp: 1.666
720142 (10%)
726876 (10%)
720011 (5%)
726926 (2%)
726927 (2%)
726928 (0.1%)
726929 (0.1%)
771451 Card - Zindkar Pirate Scavenger (0.1%)