result count: 12

100011 - 803930
Tomb Deathbone
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Tomb of Souls (hard) (187)
>-636, 426, 1028
>(14, 70)
Link Rune
HP: 8.851.993
PATK: 287.941
MATK: 23.699
PDEF: 475.787
MDEF: 476.071
PDMG: 61.610
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725569 (3.5%)
725570 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725571 (1.5%)
725572 (1.5%)
100026 - 803930
Tomb Deathbone
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Tomb of Souls (188)
>-636, 426, 1028
>(14, 70)
Link Rune
HP: 2.982.779
PATK: 226.217
MATK: 23.699
PDEF: 157.268
MDEF: 157.553
PDMG: 41.499
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725569 (3.5%)
725570 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725571 (1.5%)
725572 (1.5%)
100385 - 803930
Mind-Controlled Warrior Corpse
Elite (2)
Lv: 101+0
Vale of Rites (Easy) (180)
>936, -42, 1258
>(34, 84)
Blend Rune
HP: 956.790
PATK: 92.437
MATK: 20.813
PDEF: 117.635
MDEF: 117.884
PDMG: 17.404
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 1.944
tp: 2.333
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725984 (3.5%)
725985 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725986 (1.5%)
725987 (1.5%)
104940 - 803930
Mind-Controlled Warrior Corpse
Even though the flesh on their bones has almost completely rotted away, this hasn't reduced their capacity to fight.
normal (0)
Lv: 97+1
Tasuq (34)
>1557, 298, 2793
>(53, 26)
Blend Rune
HP: 570.416
PATK: 33.613
MATK: 8.034
PDEF: 100.504
MDEF: 100.745
PDMG: 3.856
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.796
tp: 2.155
720142 (10%)
723989 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725984 (2%)
725985 (2%)
725986 (0.1%)
725987 (0.1%)
771720 Card - Mind-Controlled Warrior Corpse (0.1%)
107045 - 803930
Tomb Deathbone
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Tomb of Souls (easy) (189)
>-636, 426, 1028
>(14, 70)
Link Rune
HP: 1.145.331
PATK: 102.992
MATK: 21.199
PDEF: 135.591
MDEF: 135.845
PDMG: 19.319
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725569 (3.5%)
725570 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725571 (1.5%)
725572 (1.5%)
107689 - 803930
Mind-Controlled Warrior Corpse
Elite (2)
Lv: 101+0
Vale of Rites (Hard) (178)
>936, -42, 1258
>(34, 84)
Blend Rune
HP: 8.424.590
PATK: 264.414
MATK: 23.313
PDEF: 257.655
MDEF: 257.934
PDMG: 57.360
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 24.299
tp: 364.480
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725984 (3.5%)
725985 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725986 (1.5%)
725987 (1.5%)
107879 - 803930
Confused Bone Pirates
Elite (2)
Lv: 88+0
Blend Rune
HP: 2.552.193
PATK: 253.561
MATK: 13.642
PDEF: 280.376
MDEF: 258.014
PDMG: 55.310
10% Defense Increase
20% Physical Accuracy
-5% Magical Defense Increase Percentage
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 18.785
tp: 281.768
726876 (100%)
720142 (60%)
726926 (3.5%)
726927 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
726928 (1.5%)
726929 (1.5%)
108215 - 803930
Confused Bone Pirate
Elite (2)
Lv: 88+0
Blend Rune
HP: 1.630.063
PATK: 246.549
MATK: 13.642
PDEF: 118.215
MDEF: 102.490
PDMG: 45.048
10% Defense Increase
20% Physical Accuracy
-5% Magical Defense Increase Percentage
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 12.523
tp: 125.230
726876 (100%)
720142 (60%)
726926 (3.5%)
726927 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
726928 (1.5%)
726929 (1.5%)
108224 - 803930
Confused Bone Pirate
Elite (2)
Lv: 88+0
Blend Rune
HP: 576.200
PATK: 33.964
MATK: 6.642
PDEF: 89.837
MDEF: 72.619
PDMG: 6.783
10% Defense Increase
20% Physical Accuracy
-5% Magical Defense Increase Percentage
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 1.503
tp: 1.803
726876 (100%)
720142 (60%)
726926 (3.5%)
726927 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
726928 (1.5%)
726929 (1.5%)
109333 - 803930
Shadow Skeleton
These walking skeletons are under the control of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League]. While they might not be as strong as they were in their former lives, they're a thoroughly environmentally friendly option – 100% reusable!
normal (0)
Lv: 98+0
Korris (35)
>565, 57, -2936
>(54, 83)
Blend Rune
HP: 707.736
PATK: 38.057
MATK: 8.105
PDEF: 113.788
MDEF: 114.031
PDMG: 5.806
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.832
tp: 2.198
720142 (10%)
723989 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721246 (2%)
721247 (2%)
721248 (0.1%)
721249 (0.1%)
771777 Card - Shadow Skeleton (0.1%)
109387 - 803930
Mind-Controlled Warrior Corpse
Elite (2)
Lv: 101+0
Vale of Rites (179)
>936, -42, 1258
>(34, 84)
Blend Rune
HP: 2.785.641
PATK: 203.699
MATK: 23.313
PDEF: 117.777
MDEF: 118.057
PDMG: 37.431
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 16.199
tp: 161.991
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725984 (3.5%)
725985 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725986 (1.5%)
725987 (1.5%)
109665 - 803930
Soul Bones
[109189|Minas] has robbed them of their soul force. Those whose bony remains were then manipulated by the [109660|Necropolis Combat Mages] were resurrected as [109665|Soul Bones]. They are regarded as loyal guards of the Necropolis.
normal (0)
Lv: 100+0
Vortis (37)
>1730, 278, 1648
>(68, 35)
Blend Rune
HP: 990.663
PATK: 47.188
MATK: 8.250
PDEF: 141.078
MDEF: 141.325
PDMG: 6.729
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.906
tp: 2.287
720142 (10%)
723989 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725569 (2%)
725570 (2%)
725571 (0.1%)
725572 (0.1%)
771916 Card - Soul Bones (0.1%)