result count: 1

108173 - 804422
Guargo the Furious Bull
In the hope of fulfilling his haughty plans, [108173|Guargo the Furious Bull] left the community of the [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]. He got his name thanks to his extraordinary stamina, which he also demonstrated through incessant raiding, murdering and plundering.
Elite (2)
Lv: 84+2
Wailing Fjord (27)
>-8146, 35, 1989
>(31, 79)
Activate Rune
HP: 664.479
PATK: 15.881
MATK: 5.579
PDEF: 74.259
MDEF: 66.023
PDMG: 3.498
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 1.735
tp: 2.603