result count: 1

108849 - 805250
Firewood Foreman
The [SC_Z32KOBOLD|Kobolds] use the hostages from the [ZONE_NORTH_WILLOW_MANOR|North Willow Manor] as forced laborers under the supervision of [<S>108849|Firewood Foremen].
normal (0)
Lv: 94+0
Splitwater Coast (32)
>-14538, 201, -8946
>(46, 28)
Link Rune
HP: 503.708
PATK: 28.824
MATK: 3.030
PDEF: 95.001
MDEF: 93.173
PDMG: 3.362
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.692
tp: 2.031
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721190 (2%)
721191 (2%)
721192 (0.1%)
721193 (0.1%)
771652 Card - Firewood Foreman (0.1%)