result count: 3
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
106992 - 805557 strings | Elite (2) Lv: 93+0 Blend Rune | HP: 4.444.557 PATK: 381.746 MATK: 25.168 PDEF: 669.937 MDEF: 657.922 PCRITRES: 1.650 MCRITRES: 1.350 PDMG: 78.442 9% Physical Accuracy 4Dodge Rate 5.250Parry Piercing 9% Magical Accuracy 4% Magic Resistance Rate | Respawn: 166:40:00 | |
108980 - 805557 Spirit of Dispersal | Elite (2) Lv: 94+0 Hall of Chaos (199) >4, -96, -1333 >(47, 34) Blend Rune | HP: 7.600.962 PATK: 380.285 MATK: 23.565 PDEF: 782.841 MDEF: 732.896 PCRITRES: 1.250 MCRITRES: 1.350 PDMG: 78.245 5% Physical Accuracy 2Dodge Rate 3.500Parry Piercing 5% Magical Accuracy 4% Magic Resistance Rate | Respawn: 166:40:00 xp: 21.154 tp: 317.309 | 726877 (100%) 720142 (60%) 243226 Voidal Energy Essence (5%) 720928 (3.5%) 720929 (3.5%) 720011 (3%) 720930 (1.5%) 720931 (1.5%) |
109233 - 805557 Dead Spirit | Elite (2) Lv: 93+0 Blend Rune | HP: 2.150.854 PATK: 381.746 MATK: 25.168 PDEF: 215.977 MDEF: 657.922 PCRITRES: 1.650 MCRITRES: 1.350 PDMG: 78.442 9% Physical Accuracy 4Dodge Rate 5.250Parry Piercing 9% Magical Accuracy 4% Magic Resistance Rate | Respawn: 166:40:00 |