result count: 1

100370 - 572631
Stone-Clawed Dragon
Known for its stone-like appearance, elemental power and fire-hot blood, the stone-clawed dragon is a close relative of the Wyrm, though of a smaller stature and little to no intelligence. It is said that a dragon egg will result in a dragon if it gains sufficient elemental power during its incubation, otherwise a stone-clawed dragon will be born.
Elite (2)
Lv: 40+0
Ystra Highlands (5)
>-19543, 2224, 880
>(24, 14)
Link Rune
HP: 12.316
PATK: 2.298
MATK: 1.607
PDEF: 2.121
MDEF: 2.141
PDMG: 522
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 1.006
tp: 5.029

>100625 Scion Locface (10%)
>100370 Stone-Clawed Dragon (90%)
202946 Sound of Wind (25%)
720141 (5%)
720098 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
222625 Ethereal Voice Leg Guards (1.4%)
722223 (0.667%)
722393 (0.667%)
723515 (0.667%)
721913 (0.32%)
770119 Card - Stone-Clawed Dragon (0.1%)
550881 (0.1%)