result count: 18
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
106369 - 581839 Wandering Spark Chick "Flame Raptor" [103585|Krolin] moves through the forest, punishing human aggression and protecting the magical creatures of the forest. | normal (0) Lv: 71+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-20151, 767, -20591 >(39, 44) Disenchant Rune | HP: 127.571 PATK: 13.689 MATK: 2.441 PDEF: 23.741 MDEF: 38.281 PDMG: 2.033 | Respawn: 00:00:30 xp: 1.073 tp: 1.288 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771193 Card - Wandering Spark Chick (0.1%) |
106391 - 585617 Treeline Leopard This fierce, sharp-clawed beast lives in the forest and is quite agile. It can tear you to shreds before you have a chance to react. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-23446, 618, -22288 >(23, 55) Activate Rune | HP: 123.976 PATK: 22.387 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 25.439 MDEF: 27.109 PDMG: 2.898 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 240967 Animal Meat (15%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771202 Card - Treeline Leopard (0.1%) |
106392 - 572714 Treeline Boar This forest-dweller has sharp tusks and is not friendly to outsiders. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-23636, 630, -22066 >(22, 54) Link Rune | HP: 123.976 PATK: 13.059 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 25.439 MDEF: 27.109 PDMG: 1.965 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 240754 Treeline Boar Meat (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 240967 Animal Meat (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771203 Card - Treeline Boar (0.1%) |
106393 - 571017 Frightened Ostrich These herd animals originally had bright feathers and powerful legs, but when the King of the Fires reduced the forest to ashes, the fright caused their feathers to pale. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-23977, 564, -21497 >(20, 50) Link Rune | HP: 95.632 PATK: 9.949 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 23.084 MDEF: 27.109 PDMG: 1.654 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 240967 Animal Meat (15%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771204 Card - Frightened Ostrich (0.1%) |
106394 - 584064 Frightened Gulo When the King of the Fires destroyed the ancient forest with unprecedented power, the Gulo's natural agility and timidity caused them to flee before the destruction, allowing more of them to survive. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-23760, 606, -21855 >(21, 52) Link Rune | HP: 95.632 PATK: 9.949 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 23.084 MDEF: 27.109 PDMG: 1.674 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 240967 Animal Meat (15%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771205 Card - Frightened Gulo (0.1%) |
106395 - 577257 Forest Predator Their sharp fangs made them brutal predators in the forest, but since the forest's destruction most have fled to the hills. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-23591, 612, -21617 >(22, 51) Link Rune | HP: 123.976 PATK: 22.387 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 25.439 MDEF: 27.109 PDMG: 2.898 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771206 Card - Forest Predator (0.1%) |
106397 - 589042 Great Gate Opener Controllers of the energy needed to open the Great Steel Gates. They have no use since the King of the Fires passed through the gate, but they still guard the area. Their existence means that it may be possible to open the Great Steel Gates again one day. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-22829, 574, -19114 >(26, 35) Purify Rune | HP: 132.541 PATK: 13.322 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 35.210 MDEF: 27.109 PDMG: 1.992 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771208 Card - Great Gate Opener (0.1%) |
106398 - 589031 Great Gate Guardian These giant guardians protect the gate from damage. They are programmed to show no mercy to any unknown objects which enter range. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-22468, 523, -19601 >(27, 38) Link Rune | HP: 132.541 PATK: 13.322 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 25.693 MDEF: 27.109 PDMG: 1.992 125% Movement Speed | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 240887 Energy Collection Core (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771209 Card - Great Gate Guardian (0.1%) |
106399 - 589040 Great Gate Energy Scout It searches for the energy necessary to open the Great Steel Gates and, while it is a collection device, its attack capabilities should not be underestimated. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-21909, 641, -19584 >(30, 38) Purify Rune | HP: 132.541 PATK: 13.322 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 23.314 MDEF: 24.604 PDMG: 2.052 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 240887 Energy Collection Core (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771210 Card - Great Gate Energy Scout (0.1%) |
106403 - 589032 Forest Flame Wolf These beasts of prey live in the [ZONE_FOREST_OF_FLAMES|Flaming Forest]. They usually hunt in packs, and if injured will call for others. | normal (0) Lv: 71+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-19828, 813, -20725 >(40, 45) Activate Rune | HP: 127.221 PATK: 13.420 MATK: 1.611 PDEF: 26.158 MDEF: 27.833 PDMG: 2.027 | Respawn: 00:00:30 xp: 1.073 tp: 1.288 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771211 Card - Forest Flame Wolf (0.1%) |
106404 - 589033 Forest Flame Deer When danger approaches, the [106404|Forest Flame Deer] will fill its antlers with the power of fire and attack the enemy. | normal (0) Lv: 71+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-18683, 795, -20744 >(46, 45) Link Rune | HP: 127.221 PATK: 13.420 MATK: 1.611 PDEF: 26.158 MDEF: 27.833 PDMG: 2.027 | Respawn: 00:00:30 xp: 1.073 tp: 1.288 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771212 Card - Forest Flame Deer (0.1%) |
106405 - 589034 Forest Armored Beast The [106405|Forest Armored Beast] is an extremely territorial pack animal. When its territory is invaded, it will become engulfed in flames and attack intruders. | normal (0) Lv: 71+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-19009, 810, -20367 >(44, 43) Activate Rune | HP: 127.221 PATK: 13.420 MATK: 1.611 PDEF: 26.158 MDEF: 27.833 PDMG: 2.027 | Respawn: 00:00:30 xp: 1.073 tp: 1.288 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771213 Card - Forest Armored Beast (0.1%) |
106406 - 589035 Forest Big Beak The [106406|Forest Big Beak] is a clever and cunning bird. It lays its eggs in the nests of other birds and steals other animals' food. When faced with danger, it will use a hurricane to repel enemies. | normal (0) Lv: 71+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-19024, 810, -20849 >(44, 46) Disenchant Rune | HP: 127.221 PATK: 13.420 MATK: 1.611 PDEF: 23.741 MDEF: 27.833 PDMG: 2.027 | Respawn: 00:00:30 xp: 1.073 tp: 1.288 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771214 Card - Forest Big Beak (0.1%) |
106411 - 589043 "Giant Tail" Split Flame Armor Beast "Giant Tail" is covered in dense scars, symbols of defeated invaders and challengers. Its strength and toughness are far greater than other animals | Elite (2) Lv: 71+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-19272, 881, -19495 >(43, 37) Link Rune | HP: 717.882 PATK: 36.521 MATK: 4.029 PDEF: 40.664 MDEF: 38.103 PDMG: 7.117 | Respawn: 00:05:00 xp: 1.342 tp: 2.012 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (5%) 725778 (5%) 725779 (1%) 725780 (1%) 771217 Card - "Giant Tail" Split Flame Armor Beast (0.1%) |
106412 - 589631 "Rage Claw" Flame Calling Wolf "Can 'Rage Claw' still be considered a wolf? Its wily attacks are more meticulous than a human's." - [ZONE_FOREST_OF_FLAMES|Flaming Forest] Biologist | Elite (2) Lv: 71+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-20100, 857, -19478 >(39, 37) Activate Rune | HP: 717.882 PATK: 25.950 MATK: 4.029 PDEF: 40.664 MDEF: 38.103 PDMG: 5.214 | Respawn: 00:05:00 xp: 1.342 tp: 2.012 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (5%) 725778 (5%) 725779 (1%) 725780 (1%) 771218 Card - "Rage Claw" Flame Calling Wolf (0.1%) |
106418 - 576708 Mutant Crystal-fur Mouse These thick-skinned animals were tortured by the power of the King of the Fires, and instead of dying quickly, they mutated. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-22616, 606, -20909 >(27, 46) Signal Rune | HP: 118.194 PATK: 10.338 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 24.921 MDEF: 30.116 PDMG: 1.714 | Respawn: 00:00:50 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771220 Card - Mutant Crystal-fur Mouse (0.1%) |
106419 - 572691 Mutant Beast These thick-skinned animals were tortured by the power of the King of the Fires, and instead of dying quickly, they mutated. | normal (0) Lv: 70+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-22733, 586, -22080 >(26, 54) Activate Rune | HP: 135.313 PATK: 13.059 MATK: 1.570 PDEF: 34.861 MDEF: 27.109 PDMG: 2.015 | Respawn: 00:00:50 xp: 1.052 tp: 1.263 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771221 Card - Mutant Beast (0.1%) |
106510 - 588922 Laphraag Raider Looks like a [106374|Laphraag Filler]. Its mission is to annihilate the alliance's front-line forces. It poses a threat that should never be underestimated. | normal (0) Lv: 71+2 Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (22) >-21146, 791, -20822 >(34, 46) Link Rune | HP: 135.990 PATK: 13.689 MATK: 1.611 PDEF: 26.418 MDEF: 27.833 PDMG: 1.733 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 1.073 tp: 1.288 | 240940 Dusty Pages (60%) 720142 (10%) 720103 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725777 (2%) 725778 (2%) 771232 Card - Laphraag Raider (0.1%) |