result count: 1
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
101024 - 572634 Minotaur Priest The Dark Moon Tribe is responsible for worshipping the ancestors of the Snowhorn, carrying on the ancient language and ceremonies, as well as aiding the tribe with magic when needed. | normal (0) Lv: 36+3 Ystra Highlands (5) >-13216, 2404, -11442 >(52, 86) Frost Rune | HP: 3.264 PATK: 307 MATK: 595 PDEF: 1.441 MDEF: 2.771 PDMG: 204 | Respawn: 00:02:00 xp: 165 tp: 165 | 200579 Minotaur Ornament (70%) 720098 (5%) 720141 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 722425 (0.667%) 723411 (0.667%) 723445 (0.667%) 721911 (0.387%) 220994 Cloak of Broken Faith (0.1%) 770125 Card - Minotaur Priest (0.1%) 550414 (0.1%) |