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100138 - 570023
Cursed lron Golem
[100611|Dorlos] combined the knowledge of the Zurhidon with the forbidden magic he learned, manipulating powerful forces from the underworld to create this golem made of iron and steel. Its steel exterior and powerful attacks would scare even the mightiest of warriors.
Boss (3)
Lv: 41+0
Mystic Altar (104)
>4933, 814, 5374
>(67, 25)
Blend Rune
HP: 241.117
PATK: 2.976
MATK: 3.662
PDEF: 2.247
MDEF: 2.237
PDMG: 1.143
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 2.112
tp: 21.120
722324 (200%)
722528 (200%)
720026 (200%)
720155 (100%)
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721914 (15%)
720011 (3%)
770148 Card - Cursed lron Golem (0.1%)
550519 (0.1%)
100154 - 572720
A mage of Zurhidon in life, she once was dying from a fatal blow, but the mage [100611|Dorlos] saved her by transforming her into a demon witch. She has been [100611|Dorlos'] faithful servant ever since.
Boss (3)
Lv: 42+0
Mystic Altar (104)
>630, 932, 4434
>(25, 37)
Blend Rune
HP: 249.462
PATK: 3.108
MATK: 3.790
PDEF: 2.316
MDEF: 2.336
PDMG: 1.278
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 2.218
tp: 22.176
722291 (200%)
720184 (200%)
720026 (200%)
720156 (100%)
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721914 (15%)
720011 (3%)
721238 (1.32%)
770149 Card - Razeela (0.1%)
100219 - 572637
normal (0)
Lv: 26+2
Frost Rune
HP: 1.601
PATK: 291
MATK: 263
PDEF: 742
MDEF: 879
PDMG: 169
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 102
tp: 102
720096 (5%)
720026 (3.91%)
720036 (3.91%)
720011 (3%)
720142 (0.5%)
770076 Card - Wilderness Otyugh (0.1%)
100237 - 572613
A senior member of the Zurhidon organization that brazenly shows his face in public. Once a magician for the imperial court on the mainland of Kolydia until he was imprisoned after a successful coup against the imperial family. He was later recruited by the Zurhidon.
Boss (3)
Lv: 53+0
Activate Rune
HP: 655.524
PATK: 5.566
MATK: 8.682
PDEF: 7.027
MDEF: 7.016
PDMG: 2.557
Respawn: 20:00:00
xp: 5.418
tp: 54.182
722191 (200%)
722157 (200%)
724191 (200%)
724248 (200%)
240696 Regin's Spirit Crystal (200%)
724185 (85%)
724180 (70%)
720100 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
720142 (3%)
723980 (3%)
770301 Card - Regin (1%)
724518 (1%)
100274 - 572632
Aukuda, the Cursed
A minotaur hero from ancient times that was guardian of the sacrificial altar. His heroic reputation survives today as part of the knowledge of the ancestors. After [100611|Dorlos] used the forbidden arts to steal his mind his remaining shadow became a frenzied, violent creature.
Boss (3)
Lv: 42+0
Blend Rune
HP: 249.462
PATK: 3.108
MATK: 3.790
PDEF: 2.316
MDEF: 2.336
PDMG: 1.278
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 2.218
tp: 22.176
722223 (200%)
722325 (200%)
722462 (200%)
720026 (200%)
720157 (100%)
200579 Minotaur Ornament (60%)
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721914 (15%)
720011 (3%)
770130 Card - Minotaur Ghoul (0.1%)
100450 - 574107
The queen of the harpies of Dust Devil Canyon reigns over her people on Hawk's Cliff. She has little contact with humans. According to the legend of Tempest Height, Ayelo lived before Dust Devil Canyon was even formed, and that there is magic flowing through her veins that forced her to kill continuously. Her murderous rampage ended when the Spirit of Wind suppressed this magic, which calmed her. After this, she led her followers to settle near the sacred region of the Spirit of Wind.
Boss (4)
Lv: 48+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.093.964
PATK: 5.443
MATK: 9.024
PDEF: 2.766
MDEF: 4.575
PDMG: 2.161
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 14.859
tp: 742.947

>100449 Red Winged Harpy (100%)
201635 Ayelo's Feather (500%)
722293 (200%)
723381 (200%)
723449 (200%)
722531 (200%)
240692 Ayelo's Spirit Crystal (200%)
720026 (100%)
220427 Leggings of Meditation (100%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
211453 Cold Stone Wand (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770201 Card - Ayelo (0.1%)
100566 - 573862
Chest of Mirrors
Boss (3)
Lv: 40+0
Necropolis of Mirrors (103)
>3225, -580, 5118
>(55, 10)
Purify Rune
HP: 190.354
PATK: 1.942
MATK: 3.536
PDEF: 1.759
MDEF: 1.524
PDMG: 526
Respawn: 16:40:00
722563 (200%)
722223 (200%)
722427 (200%)
722257 (200%)
240680 Kamoku's Krodamon Spirit Crystal (200%)
720026 (200%)
720152 (100%)
724172 (100%)
724922 (65%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
721913 (0.387%)
100611 - 570148
Senior disciple of the Zurhidon. Outcast by other mages for devoting himself to what they refer to as the Forbidden Arts, he eventually settled in with Zurhidon. His lust for power and strength has made him one of the most important figures within the organization.
Boss (3)
Lv: 43+0
Mystic Altar (104)
>3004, 812, 6410
>(48, 11)
Blend Rune
HP: 284.077
PATK: 3.514
MATK: 4.217
PDEF: 2.659
MDEF: 2.638
PDMG: 1.367
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 2.328
tp: 23.285
722427 (200%)
722529 (200%)
720026 (200%)
720158 (100%)
240682 Dorlos' Spirit Crystal (100%)
720072 (100%)
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721913 (15%)
720011 (3%)
770150 Card - Dorlos (0.1%)
100620 - 574119
Giant Needle Cactus
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Link Rune
HP: 276.315
PATK: 3.538
MATK: 4.629
PDEF: 2.629
MDEF: 2.668
PDMG: 1.088
Respawn: 04:00:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100667 Giant Fruit Cactus (75%)
>100621 Giant Flower Cactus (25%)
722258 (200%)
722632 (200%)
722666 (200%)
722530 (200%)
240687 Giant Needle Cactus' Spirit Crystal (200%)
720026 (100%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
222505 Burning Blood Pants (0.4%)
721914 (0.32%)
770146 Card - Giant Needle Cactus (0.1%)
550918 (0.1%)
100621 - 574120
Giant Flower Cactus
Boss (4)
Lv: 45+0
Link Rune
HP: 706.193
PATK: 4.012
MATK: 8.713
PDEF: 1.872
MDEF: 2.887
PDMG: 1.729
Respawn: 04:00:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100620 Giant Needle Cactus (50%)
>100667 Giant Fruit Cactus (50%)
722292 (200%)
722904 (200%)
722938 (200%)
720185 (200%)
240688 Giant Flower Cactus' Spirit Crystal (200%)
720026 (100%)
720099 (5%)
723980 (3%)
222522 Robe of Violence (0.4%)
721914 (0.32%)
770147 Card - Giant Flower Cactus (0.1%)
550372 (0.1%)
720011 (0%)
100625 - 572953
Scion Locface
A lower-ranking dragon that lives like an animal, preferring to nest in the mountains. The female dragons lay their eggs while the male dragons hibernate in the nest, covering the egg until it is hatched in a process that can take decades.
Boss (4)
Lv: 45+0
Link Rune
HP: 707.623
PATK: 5.929
MATK: 8.193
PDEF: 2.892
MDEF: 2.868
PDMG: 3.204
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100370 Stone-Clawed Dragon (100%)
723688 (200%)
723756 (200%)
723960 (200%)
720187 (200%)
240685 Scion Locface's Spirit Crystal (200%)
724175 (100%)
720026 (100%)
202946 Sound of Wind (25%)
720100 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
222633 Ash Grey Chainmail (0.4%)
721916 (0.32%)
550780 (0.1%)
100626 - 573879
Stationed in front of the queen's chamber as patiently as Kal'Turssi, it neutralizes any threats that may put the queen's life in danger.
Boss (4)
Lv: 49+0
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-18365, -1008, 6451
>(43, 65)
Link Rune
HP: 804.671
PATK: 6.890
MATK: 9.441
PDEF: 3.334
MDEF: 3.429
PDMG: 2.636
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 15.602
tp: 780.095
722294 (200%)
723654 (200%)
723688 (200%)
720187 (200%)
720026 (100%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
724519 (1%)
222507 Dreamer's Trousers (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770188 Card - Kal'Turstan (0.1%)
100627 - 573880
Stationed in front of the queen's chamber as patiently as Kal'Turstan, it neutralizes any threats that may put the queen's life in danger.
Boss (4)
Lv: 49+0
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-18431, -1012, 6547
>(43, 65)
Link Rune
HP: 804.817
PATK: 6.992
MATK: 9.312
PDEF: 3.421
MDEF: 3.372
PDMG: 2.666
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 15.602
tp: 780.095
722226 (200%)
722736 (200%)
722770 (200%)
722532 (200%)
720026 (100%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
724519 (1%)
211313 Soul Crushing Bow (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770189 Card - Kal'Turssi (0.1%)
100666 - 572954
Tempest Height leader. Don't be deceived by his formible attack power and defense- Bordon's speed is just as frightening.
Boss (3)
Lv: 50+0
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-11057, 662, 14948
>(70, 24)
Activate Rune
HP: 356.064
PATK: 4.515
MATK: 2.732
PDEF: 3.075
MDEF: 2.913
PDMG: 1.523
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 4.680
tp: 46.805
723654 (200%)
723960 (200%)
722532 (200%)
720026 (50%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
222466 Red Ring Handguards (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770178 Card - Bordon (0.1%)
100667 - 574118
Giant Fruit Cactus
Does that cactus with a big juicy fruit for a hat contain alcohol? If not, how comes its nose is so red?
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Link Rune
HP: 303.259
PATK: 3.233
MATK: 3.315
PDEF: 3.344
MDEF: 2.385
PDMG: 1.027
Respawn: 04:00:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100620 Giant Needle Cactus (75%)
>100621 Giant Flower Cactus (25%)
722224 (200%)
723380 (200%)
723414 (200%)
722530 (200%)
240689 Giant Fruit Cactus' Spirit Crystal (200%)
720026 (100%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
222523 Mulberry Jacket (0.4%)
721914 (0.32%)
770161 Card - Giant Fruit Cactus (0.1%)
550736 (0.1%)
100794 - 574476
Blackhorn Hafiz
Formerly, the strongest Capra General. He is also the hero of Capra.

In order to gain the power to resist the Cyclopes, he became a prisoner of magic ending in him and those who followed him being covered in black.

After the coup, he seized the sacred ground at [ZONE_BORSBURS|Pasper's Shrine] and opposed Capra's leader, Yarfas.
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Pasper's Shrine (106)
>4583, 80, 5668
>(76, 17)
Activate Rune
HP: 276.268
PATK: 3.485
MATK: 4.191
PDEF: 2.645
MDEF: 2.652
PDMG: 1.357
Respawn: 02:46:39
xp: 2.567
tp: 25.671
722225 (200%)
722395 (200%)
723619 (200%)
720186 (200%)
720248 (200%)
724923 (200%)
720100 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
550874 (0.1%)
101018 - 574474
Blackhorn Afalen
Known as "Hafiz's Double Wall," these loyal lieutenants have fought hundreds of battles with him. Under the superbly coordinated effort of the two of them, it seems that almost nobody is able to survive their fierce attacks.
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Pasper's Shrine (106)
>4755, 78, 4666
>(79, 40)
Activate Rune
HP: 276.268
PATK: 3.485
MATK: 4.191
PDEF: 2.645
MDEF: 2.652
PDMG: 1.357
Respawn: 02:46:39
xp: 2.567
tp: 25.671
722565 (200%)
722565 (200%)
722905 (200%)
722939 (200%)
720209 (200%)
212148 Blackhorn's Dagger (7%)
720100 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
101019 - 574475
Blackhorn Bareth
Known as "Hafiz's Double Wall," these loyal lieutenants have fought hundreds of battles with him. Under the superbly coordinated effort of the two of them, it seems that almost nobody is able to survive their fierce attacks.
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Pasper's Shrine (106)
>4791, 78, 4510
>(80, 44)
Activate Rune
HP: 276.268
PATK: 3.485
MATK: 4.191
PDEF: 2.645
MDEF: 2.652
PDMG: 1.357
Respawn: 02:46:39
xp: 2.567
tp: 25.671
722259 (200%)
722871 (200%)
722973 (200%)
723041 (200%)
720208 (200%)
212149 Horn-Breaker Sword (7%)
720100 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
101020 - 574473
Blackhorn Nisorn
Hafiz's best scout and assassin often appears with the vanguard on the battlefield. He makes use of his excellent obstruction and mobility skills to continuously move around the battlefield in search of the best opportunity to attack and his enemies' weak spots.

Word has it that when he waves the weapons in his two hands nobody can get close to him and when his weapons come to a stop no enemy is left alive.
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Pasper's Shrine (106)
>3607, 79, 4036
>(59, 55)
Activate Rune
HP: 276.268
PATK: 3.485
MATK: 4.191
PDEF: 2.645
MDEF: 2.652
PDMG: 1.357
Respawn: 02:46:39
xp: 2.567
tp: 25.671
722361 (200%)
723381 (200%)
723449 (200%)
723959 (200%)
720207 (200%)
212150 Black Ring Staff (7%)
720100 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
101021 - 574506
Blackhorn Dorglas
Nobody knows where he came from. The only thing that's certain is that since he became Hafiz's chief advisor, Hafiz has not suffered another defeat in battle.

Different from the natural magic of other Capra, his magic is even stronger and darker.

It was an interesting coincidence that he showed up at Hafiz's side right as Hafiz was starting his insane search for magic power.
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Pasper's Shrine (106)
>1925, 84, 4451
>(29, 46)
Activate Rune
HP: 276.268
PATK: 3.485
MATK: 4.191
PDEF: 2.645
MDEF: 2.652
PDMG: 1.323
Respawn: 02:46:39
xp: 2.567
tp: 25.671
722293 (200%)
722429 (200%)
722633 (200%)
722531 (200%)
720206 (200%)
240691 Blackhorn Dorglas' Spirit Crystal (200%)
212151 Sheep Hunter (7%)
720100 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
551178 (1%)
205699 Damaged Fan (1%)
101022 - 575536
Boss (3)
Lv: 40+0
Blend Rune
HP: 255.617
PATK: 3.673
MATK: 3.913
PDEF: 2.334
MDEF: 2.316
PDMG: 1.115
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 2.011
tp: 20.114
720026 (200%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
722430 (1%)
722532 (1%)
721913 (0.32%)
101023 - 575510
Worr Binpike
Boss (4)
Lv: 50+0
Signal Rune
HP: 1.007.832
PATK: 7.273
MATK: 9.606
PDEF: 3.558
MDEF: 3.507
PDMG: 7.262
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 23.402
tp: 1.170.125
722191 (200%)
722157 (200%)
724180 (200%)
724185 (200%)
724256 Purple Minotaur Weapon dropped (200%)
720026 (200%)
240694 Worr Binpike's Spirit Crystal (200%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
101219 - 575405
Spirit of Samoge
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Blend Rune
HP: 301.053
PATK: 4.396
MATK: 4.610
PDEF: 673
MDEF: 2.917
PDMG: 1.359
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 2.567
tp: 25.671
720026 (200%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
722430 (1%)
722532 (1%)
721913 (0.32%)
101222 - 575510
Lynn Binpike
Boss (4)
Lv: 50+0
Signal Rune
HP: 1.007.793
PATK: 7.244
MATK: 9.271
PDEF: 3.527
MDEF: 3.507
PDMG: 7.253
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 23.402
tp: 1.170.125
722191 (200%)
722157 (200%)
724180 (200%)
724185 (200%)
720026 (200%)
240695 Lynn Binpike's Spirit Crystal (200%)
211706 Snow Epee (30%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
101342 - 574765
The Winternight Ice Witches are one type of ice fairy, usually one of the more formidable kind. The most beautiful among them becomes their queen.
Boss (4)
Lv: 45+0
Frost Rune
HP: 707.910
PATK: 7.493
MATK: 17.311
PDEF: 2.807
MDEF: 2.935
PDMG: 2.773
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100276 Winternight Ice Witch (100%)
240686 Aisha's Spirit Crystal (200%)
722294 (100%)
722974 (100%)
723348 (100%)
720100 (100%)
724174 (100%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
551185 (1%)
205697 Aisha's Crystal (1%)
222573 Swift Hawk Boots (0.4%)
721916 (0.387%)
550799 (0.1%)
101344 - 576045
Leeching Winter Spiders are different from Ystra Winter Spiders. In addition to having all of their abilities, they also have the troublesome "Leech Attack" ability, surely making any adventurer's life difficult. Kings of these species are one of the most feared monsters amongst adventurers.
Boss (4)
Lv: 45+0
Blend Rune
HP: 707.959
PATK: 5.877
MATK: 8.014
PDEF: 2.834
MDEF: 2.868
PDMG: 2.288
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100368 Ystra Winter Spider (100%)
722668 (100%)
722770 (100%)
723484 (100%)
720100 (100%)
724173 (100%)
720026 (100%)
240684 Anselve's Spirit Crystal (100%)
211343 Metal Splitting Battle Axe (100%)
723982 (100%)
721916 (38.7%)
720011 (3%)
550528 (0.1%)
101346 - 574773
The leader of the elite guards of the Cyclops King. Although he is not as strong as [101267|Uguda], he is tougher than any Cyclops warrior.

Called "Giant Hammer" by the Order of Dark Glory because he hits with the strength of a battering ram.
Boss (3)
Lv: 51+0
Cyclops Lair (252)
>3818, 47, 2709
>(49, 58)
Activate Rune
HP: 335.384
PATK: 4.643
MATK: 5.231
PDEF: 3.538
MDEF: 3.496
PDMG: 1.957
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 4.915
tp: 49.145
722328 (200%)
723654 (200%)
723756 (200%)
722566 (200%)
720270 (100%)
720100 (5%)
724242 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
770318 Card - Boddosh (1%)
101349 - 574777
One of the three chief advisors among the Agriza Cyclopes. Very skilled at using magic to carry out fierce attacks.

In Agriza, their position is second only to that of [101267|Uguda]. They can be considered a combination of shaman and sage but stronger and smarter.

They fight well together, making use of each other's strengths to launch joint attacks - fierce offensives that none can withstand.
Boss (3)
Lv: 52+0
Activate Rune
HP: 345.804
PATK: 5.052
MATK: 6.323
PDEF: 3.598
MDEF: 3.681
PDMG: 1.446
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 5.160
tp: 51.602
722430 (200%)
722702 (200%)
722804 (200%)
720272 (100%)
720100 (5%)
724243 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
770319 Card - Masso (1%)
101350 - 574779
One of the three chief advisors among the Agriza Cyclopes. Very skilled in the use of magic to support and heal.

In Agriza, their position is second only to that of [101267|Uguda]. They can be considered a combination of shaman and sage but stronger and smarter.

They fight well together, making use of each other's strengths to launch joint attacks - fierce offensives that none can withstand.
Boss (3)
Lv: 51+0
Activate Rune
HP: 335.533
PATK: 4.546
MATK: 5.099
PDEF: 3.668
MDEF: 3.393
PDMG: 1.337
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 4.915
tp: 49.145
722599 (200%)
722837 (200%)
722497 (200%)
720273 (100%)
720100 (5%)
724244 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
770320 Card - Gorn (1%)
101351 - 574778
One of the three chief advisors among the Agriza Cyclopes. Very skilled in the use of magic to support close combat.

In Agriza, their position is second only to that of [101267|Uguda]. They can be considered a combination of shaman and sage but stronger and smarter.

They fight well together, making use of each other's strengths to launch joint attacks - fierce offensives that none can withstand.
Boss (3)
Lv: 52+0
Link Rune
HP: 345.790
PATK: 4.725
MATK: 5.388
PDEF: 3.613
MDEF: 3.688
PDMG: 1.381
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 5.160
tp: 51.602
722429 (200%)
723891 (200%)
723075 (200%)
722701 (200%)
720274 (100%)
720100 (5%)
724245 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
770321 Card - Ordig (1%)

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