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100086 - 572165
Valley Stinker
They maintain their original way of life, a simple and rough individualism. They are always surrounded by a foul smell.
normal (0)
Lv: 20+1
Aslan Valley (4)
>-3503, -253, 11630
>(66, 4)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.343
PATK: 212
MATK: 203
PDEF: 857
MDEF: 610
PDMG: 131
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 76
tp: 76
720141 (5%)
720095 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722284 (1.827%)
722624 (1.827%)
722658 (1.827%)
721906 (1.329%)
211399 Logar's Broadaxe (1.322%)
550890 (0.274%)
770240 Card - Valley Stinker (0.1%)
100087 - 572560
Scaly Anteater
The giant anteaters of the Aslan Valley possess hard scales and sharp claws. In an encounter with an enemy they rarely have to curl up in a ball to protect themselves.
normal (0)
Lv: 20+1
Aslan Valley (4)
>-2836, -5, 10353
>(70, 13)
Link Rune
HP: 1.509
PATK: 237
MATK: 269
PDEF: 727
MDEF: 735
PDMG: 134
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 76
tp: 76
201119 Anteater Scale (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722964 (1.827%)
723372 (1.827%)
723406 (1.827%)
721906 (1.329%)
211335 Burning Axe (1.096%)
220780 Silent Guard (0.27%)
770058 Card - Scaly Anteater (0.1%)
100088 - 572561
Hard-claw Anteater
The giant anteaters of the Aslan Valley possess hard scales and sharp claws. In an encounter with an enemy they rarely have to curl up in a ball to protect themselves.
normal (0)
Lv: 20+1
Aslan Valley (4)
>-2631, 67, 8259
>(71, 28)
Link Rune
HP: 1.509
PATK: 237
MATK: 269
PDEF: 727
MDEF: 735
PDMG: 134
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 76
tp: 76
201119 Anteater Scale (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722999 (1.733%)
723475 (1.733%)
723543 (1.733%)
211336 Illusion Battle Axe (1.096%)
721907 (0.832%)
550349 (0.274%)
770059 Card - Hard-claw Anteater (0.1%)
100089 - 572557
Whiptail Anteater
The giant anteaters of the Aslan Valley possess hard scales and sharp claws. In an encounter with an enemy they rarely have to curl up in a ball to protect themselves.
normal (0)
Lv: 21+1
Aslan Valley (4)
>-2707, 75, 7352
>(70, 35)
Link Rune
HP: 1.624
PATK: 254
MATK: 285
PDEF: 777
MDEF: 785
PDMG: 140
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 80
tp: 80
201119 Anteater Scale (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722999 (1.585%)
723067 (1.585%)
723441 (1.585%)
211350 George's Scimitar (1.096%)
721907 (0.832%)
550743 (0.26%)
770060 Card - Whiptail Anteater (0.1%)
100090 - 570248
Tusked Boar
A wild boar, which possesses extremely long sharp tusks, immense muscle power and a good perception. It can be extremely aggressive against intruders, but the high quality of the meat and the thick lard make it a favorite among cooks.
normal (0)
Lv: 20+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-4972, 64, 8344
>(58, 27)
Link Rune
HP: 1.509
PATK: 237
MATK: 269
PDEF: 727
MDEF: 735
PDMG: 134
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 76
tp: 76
201266 Boar Tusk (70%)
203466 Slippery Boar Oil (50%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722250 (1.827%)
722896 (1.827%)
722964 (1.827%)
721906 (1.329%)
211364 Skull-breaking Battlehammer (1.096%)
550546 (0.274%)
770061 Card - Tusked Boar (0.1%)
100091 - 571695
Demon mane Boar
A demonic boar, which possesses extremely long sharp tusks, immense muscle power and a good perception. It can be extremely aggressive against intruders.
normal (0)
Lv: 21+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-5321, 121, 7891
>(56, 31)
Link Rune
HP: 1.624
PATK: 254
MATK: 285
PDEF: 777
MDEF: 785
PDMG: 150
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 80
tp: 80
201266 Boar Tusk (70%)
203466 Slippery Boar Oil (50%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722931 (1.733%)
722999 (1.733%)
723067 (1.733%)
211365 Cast Battlehammer (1.096%)
721907 (0.832%)
770062 Card - Demon mane Boar (0.1%)
100094 - 572560
Armored Anteater
The giant anteaters of the Aslan Valley possess hard scales and sharp claws. In an encounter with an enemy they rarely have to curl up in a ball to protect themselves.
normal (0)
Lv: 22+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-7835, 321, 6278
>(42, 42)
Link Rune
HP: 1.744
PATK: 271
MATK: 300
PDEF: 829
MDEF: 838
PDMG: 147
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 84
tp: 84
201119 Anteater Scale (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
723373 (2.378%)
723407 (2.378%)
222495 Jade Green Pants (0.951%)
721907 (0.832%)
550636 (0.238%)
220798 Hide Here (0.221%)
770241 Card - Armored Anteater (0.1%)
100095 - 572561
Sharp-clawed Anteater
The giant anteaters of the Aslan Valley possess hard scales and extremely sharp claws. In an encounter with an enemy they rarely have to curl up in a ball to protect themselves.
normal (0)
Lv: 23+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-8080, 314, 6450
>(41, 41)
Link Rune
HP: 1.868
PATK: 288
MATK: 316
PDEF: 882
MDEF: 892
PDMG: 154
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 88
tp: 88
201119 Anteater Scale (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
723441 (1.471%)
723475 (1.471%)
723509 (1.471%)
222512 Snow Jacket (0.951%)
721907 (0.832%)
550636 (0.221%)
770242 Card - Sharp-clawed Anteater (0.1%)
100096 - 572557
Irontail Anteater
The giant anteaters of the Aslan Valley possess hard scales and a very strong tail. In an encounter with an enemy they rarely have to curl up in a ball to protect themselves.
normal (0)
Lv: 23+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-7344, 370, 5618
>(45, 47)
Link Rune
HP: 1.868
PATK: 288
MATK: 316
PDEF: 882
MDEF: 892
PDMG: 154
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 88
tp: 88
201119 Anteater Scale (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
723033 (1.471%)
723067 (1.471%)
723373 (1.471%)
211367 Stone Smashing Hammer (0.951%)
721907 (0.832%)
770243 Card - Irontail Anteater (0.1%)
100097 - 572660
Armored Kasumille
Leader of the Bloodhound Mountain, it holds a deep hatred for human beings.
Elite (2)
Lv: 25+0
Link Rune
HP: 5.952
PATK: 1.068
MATK: 873
PDEF: 995
MDEF: 1.006
PDMG: 269
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 97
tp: 97
201119 Anteater Scale (70%)
720095 (5%)
720011 (3%)
770066 Card - Armored Kasumille (0.1%)
100099 - 570248
Sharp-toothed Boar
A wild boar, which possesses extremely long sharp tusks, immense muscle power and a good perception. It can be extremely aggressive against intruders, but the high quality of the meat and the thick lard make it a favorite among cooks.
normal (0)
Lv: 24+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-6807, 397, 5092
>(48, 51)
Link Rune
HP: 1.998
PATK: 307
MATK: 333
PDEF: 938
MDEF: 948
PDMG: 161
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 92
tp: 92
201266 Boar Tusk (70%)
203466 Slippery Boar Oil (50%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722660 (1.379%)
722796 (1.379%)
722830 (1.379%)
211443 Wand of the Void (0.883%)
721908 (0.662%)
550411 (0.207%)
770244 Card - Sharp-toothed Boar (0.1%)
100101 - 570800
Hammertooth Roughneck
Goblins are earth spirits that enjoy hiding among rocks. Eccentric and intelligent, they take pleasure in teasing people
normal (0)
Lv: 23+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-7607, 268, 8991
>(44, 23)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.658
PATK: 257
MATK: 239
PDEF: 1.040
MDEF: 738
PDMG: 134
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 88
tp: 88
200677 Peculiar Potion (20%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722557 (1.585%)
722557 (1.585%)
722693 (1.585%)
222537 Blood Repentance Shoulder Guard (0.883%)
721907 (0.832%)
210200 Use This to Strike (0.221%)
770068 Card - Hammertooth Roughneck (0.1%)
100102 - 570799
Hammertooth Noisemaker
Goblins are earth spirits that enjoy hiding among rocks. Eccentric and intelligent, they take pleasure in teasing people
normal (0)
Lv: 23+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-7734, 272, 9136
>(43, 22)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.379
PATK: 340
MATK: 164
PDEF: 674
MDEF: 738
PDMG: 159
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 88
tp: 88
200677 Peculiar Potion (20%)
720141 (5%)
720095 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722217 (1.585%)
722387 (1.585%)
722761 (1.585%)
211382 Scholar's Staff (0.883%)
721907 (0.832%)
770069 Card - Hammertooth Noisemaker (0.1%)
100106 - 570806
Hammertooth Operator
Goblins are earth spirits that enjoy hiding among rocks. Eccentric and intelligent, they take pleasure in teasing people.
normal (0)
Lv: 23+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-8303, 286, 9073
>(40, 22)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.662
PATK: 169
MATK: 376
PDEF: 732
MDEF: 1.243
PDMG: 119
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 88
tp: 88
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722285 (1.585%)
722421 (1.585%)
722727 (1.585%)
211383 Muse Staff (0.883%)
721907 (0.832%)
550805 (0.221%)
220157 Dyed Purple Leggings (0.207%)
770070 Card - Hammertooth Operator (0.1%)
100158 - 570798
Hammertooth Ruffian
Goblins are earth spirits that enjoy hiding among rocks. Eccentric and intelligent, they take pleasure in teasing people.
normal (0)
Lv: 25+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-9054, 298, 9728
>(36, 17)
Activate Rune
HP: 2.130
PATK: 335
MATK: 349
PDEF: 1.005
MDEF: 1.006
PDMG: 168
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 97
tp: 97
200677 Peculiar Potion (20%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722354 (1.379%)
722490 (1.379%)
722626 (1.379%)
211403 Battle Axe of Assassination (0.783%)
721908 (0.662%)
210186 Morcus Leg Bone (0.26%)
770071 Card - Hammertooth Ruffian (0.1%)
100214 - 570805
Hammertooth Sage
Goblins are earth spirits that enjoy hiding among rocks. Eccentric and intelligent, they take pleasure in teasing people.
normal (0)
Lv: 25+2
Aslan Valley (4)
>-8865, 309, 10303
>(37, 13)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.875
PATK: 176
MATK: 369
PDEF: 822
MDEF: 1.404
PDMG: 131
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 97
tp: 97
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722286 (1.379%)
722422 (1.379%)
722728 (1.379%)
222462 Dark Purple Handguards (0.783%)
721908 (0.662%)
220807 Totem of the Snake God (0.221%)
550903 (0.196%)
770072 Card - Hammertooth Sage (0.1%)
100215 - 570808
Hammertooth Guard
Goblins are earth spirits that enjoy hiding among rocks. Eccentric and intelligent, they take pleasure in teasing people.
normal (0)
Lv: 24+3
Aslan Valley (4)
>-9116, 312, 9949
>(36, 16)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.995
PATK: 316
MATK: 333
PDEF: 947
MDEF: 948
PDMG: 152
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 92
tp: 92
200677 Peculiar Potion (20%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722557 (1.471%)
722557 (1.471%)
723951 (1.471%)
721907 (0.832%)
222484 Deadland Long Boots (0.783%)
210121 Glazed Dagger (0.221%)
770073 Card - Hammertooth Guard (0.1%)
100218 - 572638
normal (0)
Lv: 25+3
Frost Rune
HP: 1.502
PATK: 275
MATK: 251
PDEF: 700
MDEF: 831
PDMG: 162
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 97
tp: 97
720095 (5%)
720025 (4.14%)
720035 (4.14%)
720011 (3%)
720142 (0.5%)
770064 Card - Deathtouch Iguana (0.1%)
720141 (0%)
100568 - 572554
Aslan Dragonfly
A dragonfly that appears mainly near water and trees in Aslan. It has a larger body than that of other dragonflies.
normal (0)
Lv: 21+3
Aslan Valley (4)
>-6522, 282, 6161
>(50, 43)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.624
PATK: 254
MATK: 285
PDEF: 777
MDEF: 785
PDMG: 140
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 80
tp: 80
720141 (5%)
720095 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
723407 (1.733%)
723441 (1.733%)
720178 (1.733%)
222564 Dust Grey Shoes (0.951%)
721907 (0.832%)
550823 (0.26%)
770031 Card - Sharpwing Dragonfly (0.1%)
100571 - 572903
Aslan Hairy Frog
A strange species of frog which lives in Aslan. It has white eyes, reddish-black skin and strange body hair. Outsiders feel uncomfortable when they encounter one, but the local people are said to hunt them, as they consider them delicious.
normal (0)
Lv: 21+3
Aslan Valley (4)
>-4217, -46, 9981
>(62, 15)
Frost Rune
HP: 1.815
PATK: 270
MATK: 285
PDEF: 828
MDEF: 837
PDMG: 160
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 80
tp: 80
201258 Frog Leg (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722217 (1.733%)
722387 (1.733%)
722761 (1.733%)
222621 Engraved Leg Guards (1.322%)
721907 (0.832%)
770065 Card - Aslan Hairy Frog (0.1%)
100628 - 574151
Chester Iron Armor
Chester's shining scales provide him with a great deal of protection. Since his body is so large, his movements are restricted to a small area. He rarely appears in areas where other anteaters are around.
Boss (4)
Lv: 25+0
Link Rune
HP: 259.863
PATK: 2.057
MATK: 3.493
PDEF: 995
MDEF: 1.006
PDMG: 922
Respawn: 20:00:00
xp: 4.838
tp: 241.882
723612 (200%)
723680 (200%)
723952 (200%)
720179 (200%)
240679 Chester Iron Armor's Spirit Crystal (200%)
720025 (100%)
220798 Hide Here (100%)
201119 Anteater Scale (70%)
720095 (5%)
770221 Card - Chester Iron Armor (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
222483 Burning Blood Boots (0.883%)
721907 (0.832%)
100692 - 574149
Bronze Shell Scooray
Outstanding among the [<S>100209|Copper Shell Beetles] due to its larger size. It terrorizes Tagena on the Silverspring plains, and if you dare attack it or its kind, it will not easily let you go.
Boss (4)
Lv: 22+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 211.116
PATK: 1.711
MATK: 3.003
PDEF: 829
MDEF: 838
PDMG: 1.085
Respawn: 04:00:00
xp: 4.179
tp: 208.948
722319 (200%)
722455 (200%)
723951 (200%)
720178 (200%)
720025 (100%)
210145 Staff of Magic (100%)
220776 Modified Beetle Shell (100%)
720077 (80%)
720095 (5%)
770219 Card - Bronze Shell Scooray (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
210347 Conspirer's Baton (3.466%)
210343 Death Thrower (3.466%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100707 - 574247
Count Hibara
Originally a Mana bat that settled in Silverspring. He was captured by the Zurhidon and used for magical experiments, during which he transformed into a monster with strange skills. He is able to turn human blood into magic for his own use. The hormones humans generate during fighting make the blood even more potent.
Boss (3)
Lv: 23+0
Bloody Gallery (201)
>2171, 78, 2566
>(48, 39)
Blend Rune
HP: 89.457
PATK: 1.127
MATK: 1.740
PDEF: 854
MDEF: 863
PDMG: 411
Respawn: 00:05:00
xp: 878
tp: 8.776
240673 Count Hibara's Spirit Crystal (200%)
720025 (100%)
720067 (100%)
722999 (15%)
723373 (15%)
722387 (15%)
720095 (15%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
721907 (0.761%)
770217 Card - Count Hibara (0.2%)
100726 - 572167
Taylin Fishbone
"I was attacked by Valley Dwarves. They beat me unconscious! When I woke up, I found that my stuff that was in the parcel was scattered all over. The important books and scrolls were still there, as were my personal things. Some smaller items are missing, though," explained the adventurer from The Distillery Tavern.
Boss (4)
Lv: 22+0
Activate Rune
HP: 211.114
PATK: 1.734
MATK: 3.003
PDEF: 837
MDEF: 838
PDMG: 1.092
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 4.179
tp: 208.948
722251 (200%)
722319 (200%)
722455 (200%)
720178 (200%)
720025 (200%)
240674 Taylin Fishbone's Spirit Crystal (200%)
721234 (5.2%)
720095 (5%)
770218 Card - Taylin Fishbone (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
551175 (1%)
205694 Dead Taylin Fishbone (1%)
210693 Hammer of Taylin's Fishbone (0.26%)
721906 (0%)
100825 - 574650
Young Snowfox
These small foxes in an environment of snow and ice have snow-white fur and move nimbly in order to get into all kinds of small places to eat or hide.
normal (0)
Lv: 22+2
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-34511, 714, -17603
>(26, 61)
Link Rune
HP: 1.744
PATK: 271
MATK: 300
PDEF: 829
MDEF: 838
PDMG: 147
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 84
tp: 84
203346 Young Snowfox Tail (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722625 (1.733%)
722659 (1.733%)
722761 (1.733%)
222610 Brilliant Purple Cape (0.828%)
770433 Card - Young Snowfox (0.1%)
100826 - 570030
Highland Sabretooth Tiger
"One saber-toothed tiger fang can take half your life."

"Is that all?"

"Don't forget, a saber-toothed tiger has two fangs."
normal (0)
Lv: 23+2
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-26030, 936, -19466
>(62, 71)
Link Rune
HP: 1.868
PATK: 288
MATK: 316
PDEF: 882
MDEF: 892
PDMG: 154
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 88
tp: 88
720141 (5%)
720095 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722591 (1.585%)
722727 (1.585%)
722829 (1.585%)
211430 Skull Smashing Hammer (1.04%)
550309 (0.221%)
770460 Card - Highland Sabretooth Tiger (0.1%)
100827 - 574165
Dragonfang Ice Beast
These blue animals live around [ZONE_DRAGONFANG VALLEY|Dragonfang Valley], and while they don't have fur they can still withstand the cold climate. Currently, not much is known about this animal that looks like a cross between a frog and a lizard, but there are rumors that they're a mysterious species dug up from deep underground by the Ice Dwarves.
normal (0)
Lv: 23+2
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-27457, 956, -20377
>(56, 76)
Link Rune
HP: 1.868
PATK: 288
MATK: 316
PDEF: 882
MDEF: 892
PDMG: 154
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 88
tp: 88
203348 Ice Beast Pearl (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722863 (1.471%)
722999 (1.471%)
723067 (1.471%)
211401 Fierce Warrior's Axe (0.883%)
770461 Card - Dragonfang Ice Beast (0.1%)
100828 - 574440
Ice Dwarf Soldier
"Their fighting and forging skills are excellent." - Ailic's researcher [111185|Dom Spinner]
normal (0)
Lv: 24+2
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-24880, 1208, -21307
>(66, 81)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.995
PATK: 316
MATK: 333
PDEF: 947
MDEF: 948
PDMG: 162
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 92
tp: 92
203347 Lucky Charm (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722218 (1.379%)
722388 (1.379%)
723374 (1.379%)
222662 Brilliant Purple Armor (0.783%)
550792 (0.207%)
770420 Card - Ice Dwarf Soldier (0.1%)
101006 - 574442
Ice Dwarf Worker
Ice Dwarves choose their leader based on strength, so many think they can bully these laborers, but they ignore the fact that these laborers are still Ice Dwarves ...
normal (0)
Lv: 24+2
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-20764, 462, -19467
>(83, 71)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.995
PATK: 316
MATK: 333
PDEF: 947
MDEF: 948
PDMG: 153
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 92
tp: 92
203347 Lucky Charm (70%)
720095 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722286 (1.379%)
722422 (1.379%)
723714 (1.379%)
222454 Flower Engraved Armor (0.745%)
770424 Card - Ice Dwarf Worker (0.1%)
101013 - 570030
Wolf-hunting Sabretooth Tiger
Adventurers eat hares, wolves eat adventurers, and [<S>101013|Wolf-hunting Sabretooth Tigers] eat wolves, hares, and adventurers.
normal (0)
Lv: 27+2
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-21634, 1219, -15093
>(80, 47)
Link Rune
HP: 2.422
PATK: 366
MATK: 384
PDEF: 1.116
MDEF: 1.128
PDMG: 182
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 107
tp: 107
720141 (5%)
720095 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
723713 (1.585%)
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723781 (1.585%)
211320 Animal Bone Heavy Crossbow (0.828%)
770486 Card - Wolf-hunting Sabretooth Tiger (0.1%)

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