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104731 - 581750
Transformed Drake
There is not much difference between a drake before and after it has been transformed. But it is clear that the transformed version follow orders better.
normal (0)
Lv: 64+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>-5612, 659, 45262
>(48, 73)
Blend Rune
HP: 35.653
PATK: 2.569
MATK: 1.338
PDEF: 7.789
MDEF: 8.414
PDMG: 798
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 934
tp: 1.121
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770954 Card - Transformed Drake (0.1%)
104732 - 584398
Grafu Whipper
Under the authority of the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle], anyone who stirs up trouble there must first feel the sting of their whips.
normal (0)
Lv: 64+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>-8380, 620, 44524
>(32, 79)
Blend Rune
HP: 35.401
PATK: 2.610
MATK: 1.338
PDEF: 7.830
MDEF: 8.414
PDMG: 813
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 934
tp: 1.121
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770955 Card - Grafu Whipper (0.1%)
104733 - 584399
Grafu Suppressor
Under the authority of the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle], whoever trespasses there must first suffer their suppression and intimidation.
normal (0)
Lv: 64+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>-8776, 620, 44518
>(29, 79)
Blend Rune
HP: 35.401
PATK: 2.610
MATK: 1.338
PDEF: 7.830
MDEF: 8.414
PDMG: 1.603
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 934
tp: 1.121
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770956 Card - Grafu Suppressor (0.1%)
104734 - 584400
Transformed Demon Drake
The difference between these drakes before and after their transformation is that the demon drakes are stronger and follow orders better.
normal (0)
Lv: 64+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>-8619, 664, 44565
>(30, 79)
Blend Rune
HP: 35.653
PATK: 2.569
MATK: 1.338
PDEF: 7.789
MDEF: 8.414
PDMG: 798
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 934
tp: 1.121
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770957 Card - Transformed Demon Drake (0.1%)
104735 - 584012
Green Field Panzilla
Just like other types of panzillas, these are simple and honest, with warm personalities and unwieldy bodies.
normal (0)
Lv: 62+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>228, 212, 51405
>(81, 26)
Link Rune
HP: 36.059
PATK: 2.406
MATK: 1.267
PDEF: 7.298
MDEF: 7.915
PDMG: 756
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 898
tp: 1.078
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770958 Card - Green Field Panzilla (0.1%)
104736 - 585527
Transformed Villager
Although the result of the villagers transformation is a failure, doesn't it seem like they were luckier than the stitched ones?

Yes, at least their heads weren't stitched onto the top of some other slab of meat.
normal (0)
Lv: 64+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>-9473, 1116, 47677
>(25, 55)
Blend Rune
HP: 36.213
PATK: 2.488
MATK: 1.338
PDEF: 7.388
MDEF: 7.983
PDMG: 700
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 934
tp: 1.121
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770959 Card - Transformed Villager (0.1%)
104737 - 579690
Carrion Eating Wolf
They are comparably smaller than other wolves. Although somewhat aggressive, they are also clever. They would never attack unprovoked. Instead, they eat only body parts that can't move.
normal (0)
Lv: 64+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>-6908, -26, 49070
>(40, 44)
Blend Rune
HP: 33.234
PATK: 2.569
MATK: 1.338
PDEF: 7.789
MDEF: 8.414
PDMG: 658
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 934
tp: 1.121
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770960 Card - Carrion Eating Wolf (0.1%)
104738 - 585525
Stitching Craftsman
When they were alive they assisted in crafting transformed creations, enjoying seeing the living scream and struggle. They never suspected that they would become targets of the stitching themselves.
normal (0)
Lv: 64+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>-9827, 1115, 47780
>(23, 54)
Blend Rune
HP: 31.299
PATK: 2.623
MATK: 1.338
PDEF: 9.395
MDEF: 8.414
PDMG: 764
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 934
tp: 1.121
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770961 Card - Stitching Craftsman (0.1%)
104756 - 585321
Migrating Bird
This flock of birds seem to have been attracted by the Divine Fruit Tree that grows in [ZONE_CAMPBELL_TOWNSHIP|Kampel Town]. They circle the tree all day long, waiting for the opportunity to peck at its red fruits.
normal (0)
Lv: 62+2
Land of Malevolence (19)
>-4020, 242, 48252
>(57, 50)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 33.768
PATK: 2.406
MATK: 1.267
PDEF: 7.298
MDEF: 7.915
PDMG: 776
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 898
tp: 1.078
720142 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725494 (2%)
725492 (2%)
770962 Card - Migrating Bird (0.1%)
104762 - 580999
Boss (3)
Lv: 65+0
Link Rune
HP: 10.037.665
PATK: 87.351
MATK: 27.363
PDEF: 70.828
MDEF: 68.359
PDMG: 23.880
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 23.828
tp: 714.825
725302 (200%)
725439 (200%)
720102 (100%)
725311 (85%)
725313 (85%)
725312 (70%)
725314 (70%)
720143 (60%)
725317 (5%)
104782 - 584581
Elite (2)
Lv: 62+0
Kawak's Tomb (134)
>2092, 483, 993
>(42, 33)
Link Rune
HP: 400.761
PATK: 58.059
MATK: 6.667
PDEF: 23.003
MDEF: 23.043
PDMG: 23.243
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 3.742
tp: 18.712
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725312 (3.5%)
725314 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725311 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104783 - 584581
Elite (2)
Lv: 62+0
Kawak's Tomb (Easy) (135)
>2090, 483, 985
>(42, 34)
Link Rune
HP: 300.000
PATK: 31.786
MATK: 4.667
PDEF: 18.418
MDEF: 18.483
PDMG: 15.145
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 3.742
tp: 18.712
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725312 (3.5%)
725314 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725311 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104851 - 584024
Elite (2)
Lv: 60+2
Blend Rune
HP: 108.983
PATK: 7.186
MATK: 2.996
PDEF: 7.631
MDEF: 6.660
PDMG: 2.115
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 1.655
tp: 3.806
720142 (10%)
725311 (10%)
725313 (10%)
720102 (10%)
720011 (5%)
770909 Card - Heaven's Wrath Executor (0.1%)
104878 - 584808
Angren Warrior
Elite (2)
Lv: 65+0
Link Rune
HP: 600.123
PATK: 18.016
MATK: 3.437
PDEF: 5.598
MDEF: 10.025
PDMG: 7.046
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 3.971
tp: 19.856
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104879 - 584807
Angren Stormtrooper
Elite (2)
Lv: 65+0
Link Rune
HP: 600.123
PATK: 18.016
MATK: 3.437
PDEF: 5.598
MDEF: 10.025
PDMG: 5.270
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 3.971
tp: 19.856
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104880 - 584809
Limon Servant
Elite (2)
Lv: 65+0
Link Rune
HP: 500.005
PATK: 20.015
MATK: 13.437
PDEF: 25.005
MDEF: 5.610
PDMG: 7.702
15% Physical Accuracy
3.720Parry Piercing
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 3.971
tp: 19.856
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104881 - 584810
Limon Rebel
Elite (2)
Lv: 65+0
Link Rune
HP: 500.005
PATK: 20.089
MATK: 3.437
PDEF: 25.005
MDEF: 5.239
PDMG: 9.115
3.720Parry Piercing
15% Physical Accuracy
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 3.971
tp: 19.856
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104882 - 585443
Angren Captain
Boss (3)
Lv: 66+0
Link Rune
HP: 5.002.402
PATK: 185.360
MATK: 7.769
PDEF: 35.015
MDEF: 13.010
PDMG: 26.508
20% Physical Accuracy
5.580Parry Piercing
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.051
tp: 20.253
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104883 - 584805
Bolynthia Bolmu
Elite (2)
Lv: 66+0
Link Rune
HP: 600.107
PATK: 20.123
MATK: 16.281
PDEF: 25.004
MDEF: 5.239
PDMG: 6.510
3.720Parry Piercing
15% Physical Accuracy
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.051
tp: 20.253
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104884 - 584806
Wild Bolmu
Elite (2)
Lv: 66+0
Link Rune
HP: 600.107
PATK: 18.093
MATK: 4.281
PDEF: 5.763
MDEF: 8.008
PDMG: 3.530
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.051
tp: 20.253
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104885 - 585444
Wild Entling
Boss (3)
Lv: 67+0
Link Rune
HP: 6.009.238
PATK: 202.602
MATK: 8.794
PDEF: 37.042
MDEF: 14.000
PDMG: 24.942
20% Physical Accuracy
5.580Parry Piercing
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.132
tp: 20.658
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104886 - 572642
Bolynthia Defender
Elite (2)
Lv: 67+0
Link Rune
HP: 600.012
PATK: 19.013
MATK: 3.627
PDEF: 6.024
MDEF: 8.009
PDMG: 3.696
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.132
tp: 20.658
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104887 - 585041
Bolynthia Runestone Swordsman
Elite (2)
Lv: 67+0
Link Rune
HP: 800.332
PATK: 20.061
MATK: 3.627
PDEF: 25.019
MDEF: 5.223
PDMG: 6.504
3.720Parry Piercing
15% Physical Accuracy
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.132
tp: 20.658
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104888 - 572647
Bolynthia Guard
Elite (2)
Lv: 67+0
Link Rune
HP: 600.012
PATK: 20.519
MATK: 15.627
PDEF: 6.024
MDEF: 12.560
PDMG: 4.353
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.132
tp: 20.658
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104889 - 574427
Runic Guard
Elite (2)
Lv: 67+0
Link Rune
HP: 800.332
PATK: 20.052
MATK: 13.627
PDEF: 25.019
MDEF: 5.223
PDMG: 7.387
15% Physical Accuracy
3.720Parry Piercing
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.132
tp: 20.658
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104890 - 585037
Enchanted Colossus
Boss (3)
Lv: 68+0
Link Rune
HP: 3.501.843
PATK: 245.244
MATK: 8.194
PDEF: 40.003
MDEF: 16.002
PDMG: 24.374
5.580Parry Piercing
20% Physical Accuracy
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.214
tp: 21.071
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104891 - 585038
Guardian Colossus
Boss (3)
Lv: 68+0
Link Rune
HP: 3.501.843
PATK: 245.244
MATK: 8.194
PDEF: 41.042
MDEF: 17.030
PDMG: 24.476
20% Physical Accuracy
5.580Parry Piercing
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.214
tp: 21.071
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104892 - 585039
Bolynthian Catapult
Elite (2)
Lv: 68+0
>-3408, 69, -5036
>(0, 0)
Link Rune
HP: 3.000.026
PATK: 15.832
MATK: 13.724
PDEF: 30.025
MDEF: 11.040
PDMG: 6.645
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.214
tp: 21.071
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104893 - 585040
Huge Bolynthian Catapult
Elite (2)
Lv: 68+0
Link Rune
HP: 4.000.035
PATK: 17.752
MATK: 13.724
PDEF: 38.017
MDEF: 18.013
PDMG: 6.919
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 4.214
tp: 21.071
720142 (20%)
720102 (15%)
725495 (3.5%)
725493 (3.5%)
725494 (1.5%)
725313 (1.5%)
104897 - 585032
Toxic Tealiss
Boss (3)
Lv: 68+0
Link Rune
HP: 17.002.153
PATK: 135.126
MATK: 21.944
PDEF: 91.096
MDEF: 85.748
PDMG: 36.453
7Dodge Rate
20% Physical Accuracy
7% Magic Resistance Rate
5.580Parry Piercing
Respawn: 1666:40:00
xp: 16.857
tp: 337.140
725652 (200%)
725595 (200%)
725653 (200%)
240723 Toxic Tealiss' Spirit Crystal (200%)
720102 (100%)
725494 (85%)
725492 (85%)
725495 (70%)
725493 (70%)
720143 (60%)
552095 (10%)
241821 Poisonous Liquid (10%)
725196 (5%)
725686 (3%)

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