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103398 - 582123
Hluthar Emberplume
She is the leader of the harpies. Her red feathers glow like flames and are highly prized by collectors. Too many feathers have already been plucked from her plumage: her fury should not be underestimated.
Elite (2)
Lv: 92+2
Kashaylan (30)
>11490, -272, 43547
>(34, 20)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 743.632
PATK: 82.979
MATK: 7.252
PDEF: 94.570
MDEF: 94.245
PDMG: 15.635
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 2.033
tp: 3.050
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771601 Card - Hluthar Emberplume (0.1%)
103402 - 804819
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Link Rune
HP: 53.454.997
PATK: 264.864
MATK: 44.532
PDEF: 278.283
MDEF: 276.225
PDMG: 58.753
12% Physical Accuracy
6Dodge Rate
6.000Parry Piercing
12% Magical Accuracy
6% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 21.577
tp: 323.653
721027 (200%)
725431 (200%)
723988 (100%)
721036 (100%)
721014 (70%)
721015 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720821 (5%)
103412 - 804819
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Link Rune
HP: 13.601.311
PATK: 126.631
MATK: 48.932
PDEF: 149.032
MDEF: 149.371
PDMG: 26.106
12% Physical Accuracy
6Dodge Rate
6.000Parry Piercing
12% Magical Accuracy
6% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 10.788
tp: 80.913
721032 (200%)
725304 (200%)
723988 (100%)
721036 (100%)
721014 (70%)
721015 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720821 (5%)
103417 - 804614
Firewind Sandstone Scorpion
Scorpions can often be found in the desert, hiding under stones. If you take heed, it only takes a second to be stung by their venom.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>15328, -2, 43192
>(52, 22)
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 27.086
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.907
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.179
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771602 Card - Firewind Sandstone Scorpion (0.1%)
103418 - 581022
Bloodsucking Flea
Wherever there's naked skin to be had, [<S>103418|Bloodsucking Fleas] are in their element. The bites often don't become apparent for a number of hours.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+2
Kashaylan (30)
>12058, 0, 40294
>(37, 39)
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 26.818
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.096
MDEF: 89.024
PDMG: 3.152
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771603 Card - Bloodsucking Flea (0.1%)
103427 - 582124
Harpy Assassin
[ZONE_SCORCHING_TEMPEST_GORGE|Firewind Canyon] is the natural home of the harpies. Seen from their eyes, it's the pirates that are the invaders, wouldn't you agree?
normal (0)
Lv: 92+2
Disenchant Rune
HP: 451.885
PATK: 27.454
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 91.315
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.215
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771604 Card - Harpy Assassin (0.1%)
103428 - 804598
Harpy Enchantress
These harpies use their colorful feathers to lure people astray. But every rose has its thorns. Take good heed of the claws beneath those feathers.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+2
Link Rune
HP: 451.885
PATK: 27.454
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 91.315
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.215
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771605 Card - Harpy Enchantress (0.1%)
103430 - 581022
Non-Indigenous Flea
These fleas have been introduced by the harpies. They are poisonous and spread diseases. Is it possible that the harpies act as hosts for these parasites?
normal (0)
Lv: 92+2
Kashaylan (30)
>12851, -129, 42446
>(41, 26)
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 27.086
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.907
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.179
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771606 Card - Non-Indigenous Flea (0.1%)
103570 - 583422
Red Desert Weaver
A very rare species of spider. So rare, in fact, that nothing is known about the toxicity of its poison.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>13312, -61, 38415
>(43, 50)
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 27.086
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.907
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.179
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771607 Card - Red Desert Weaver (0.1%)
106569 - 805030
Balu Charger
Let us storm the traps, my brothers!
normal (0)
Lv: 92+2
Kashaylan (30)
>17149, 718, 38095
>(60, 52)
Activate Rune
HP: 451.885
PATK: 27.454
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 91.315
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.215
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771613 Card - Balu Charger (0.1%)
106966 - 804819
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Link Rune
HP: 171.705.990
PATK: 380.095
MATK: 37.932
PDEF: 873.701
MDEF: 868.473
PDMG: 94.799
10% Physical Accuracy
6Dodge Rate
6.000Parry Piercing
10% Magical Accuracy
6% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 43.154
tp: 1.294.614
721019 (200%)
721018 (200%)
726070 (200%)
723988 (100%)
721036 (100%)
721014 (70%)
721015 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720821 (5%)
106978 - 804817
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Blend Rune
HP: 314.321.826
PATK: 415.395
MATK: 48.932
PDEF: 978.686
MDEF: 978.453
PDMG: 101.859
15% Physical Accuracy
6Dodge Rate
7.500Parry Piercing
16% Magical Accuracy
7% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 43.154
tp: 1.294.614
721017 (200%)
721016 (200%)
726060 (200%)
723988 (100%)
721036 (100%)
721014 (70%)
721015 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720821 (5%)
107424 - 589195
Balu Villager
For every warrior in the field there's a mass of [<S>107424|Balu Villagers] supporting them, quietly doing their part.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>15954, 576, 36253
>(54, 63)
Activate Rune
HP: 451.885
PATK: 27.454
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 91.315
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.215
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771614 Card - Balu Villager (0.1%)
108328 - 580562
Dryleaf Canyon Weevil
These beetles disguise themselves as dried foliage. Yet since there isn't a tree to be seen around here, they stand out like a sore thumb.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 27.086
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.907
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.179
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
108420 - 574666
Man-Eating Bulrush
The stench from [<S>108420|Man-Eating Bulrushes] is horrendous. Maybe it's because there are poisons in the water they're being exposed to.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>18669, 29, 34860
>(67, 72)
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 27.086
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.907
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.179
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
243183 Bloodweed (60%)
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771578 Card - Man-Eating Bulrush (0.1%)
108421 - 804578
Mutated Swamp Mud
Even [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates] run away from its terrifying appearance.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+2
Kashaylan (30)
>18167, 2, 35776
>(64, 66)
Link Rune
HP: 456.680
PATK: 27.577
MATK: 4.387
PDEF: 90.907
MDEF: 90.269
PDMG: 3.228
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
243184 Swamp Crystal (60%)
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771579 Card - Mutated Swamp Mud (0.1%)
108422 - 574544
Swamp Salamander
On the banks at night you can often see their eyes shimmering in the dark like glowworms.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>19298, -14, 36465
>(69, 62)
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 27.086
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.096
MDEF: 89.024
PDMG: 3.179
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771580 Card - Swamp Salamander (0.1%)
108423 - 804581
Swamp Lenka
[<S>108423|Swamp Lenkas] have special tongues and robust digestive systems. They can even eat poisonous animals.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>18389, 13, 34586
>(65, 73)
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 27.086
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.907
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.179
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771581 Card - Swamp Lenka (0.1%)
108424 - 804582
Raging Mammoth
With a bit of a run-up, these mammoths could knock you into the stratosphere. If you see them running towards you, your best option is to head for the hills.
normal (0)
Lv: 91+2
Kashaylan (30)
>19965, 122, 38574
>(72, 49)
Link Rune
HP: 445.003
PATK: 26.430
MATK: 2.838
PDEF: 88.715
MDEF: 87.864
PDMG: 3.108
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.595
tp: 1.914
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771592 Card - Raging Mammoth (0.1%)
108425 - 804583
Panicky Ostrich
These animals are morbidly jumpy and easily scared to death!
normal (0)
Lv: 91+2
Kashaylan (30)
>21668, 211, 40663
>(80, 37)
Link Rune
HP: 445.003
PATK: 26.430
MATK: 2.838
PDEF: 87.924
MDEF: 87.012
PDMG: 3.108
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.595
tp: 1.914
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771593 Card - Panicky Ostrich (0.1%)
108426 - 804584
Giant Frenzied Wolf
While these animals may resemble dogs, you're unlikely to get far issuing commands like "Sit!" or "Heel!"
normal (0)
Lv: 91+2
Kashaylan (30)
>21463, 208, 39519
>(79, 44)
Link Rune
HP: 445.003
PATK: 26.430
MATK: 2.838
PDEF: 88.715
MDEF: 87.864
PDMG: 3.108
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.595
tp: 1.914
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771594 Card - Giant Frenzied Wolf (0.1%)
108427 - 804596
Canyon Gooseberry Male
It might look like a harmless watermelon, but it's anything but harmless.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>17743, -28, 43683
>(62, 19)
Link Rune
HP: 456.680
PATK: 27.577
MATK: 4.387
PDEF: 90.907
MDEF: 90.269
PDMG: 3.228
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771609 Card - Canyon Gooseberry Male (0.1%)
108428 - 574472
Graveyard Bat
One bat alone won't do much damage, but a whole swarm can make even the most intrepid adventurer turn tail and run.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>16621, 760, 41958
>(57, 29)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 27.086
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 90.096
MDEF: 89.024
PDMG: 3.179
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771625 Card - Graveyard Bat (0.1%)
108429 - 804589
Guardian of the Infested
These guardians watch over the victims in their cages, until the parasitic binding ritual has taken place.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+2
Kashaylan (30)
>14129, -45, 39506
>(46, 44)
Blend Rune
HP: 451.885
PATK: 27.454
MATK: 2.901
PDEF: 91.315
MDEF: 89.894
PDMG: 3.215
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771610 Card - Guardian of the Infested (0.1%)
108432 - 804817
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Veiled Crypt of Kashaylan (Hard) (166)
>613, 3097, -1509
>(74, 69)
Blend Rune
HP: 314.321.826
PATK: 415.395
MATK: 48.932
PDEF: 978.686
MDEF: 978.453
PDMG: 101.859
15% Physical Accuracy
6Dodge Rate
7.500Parry Piercing
16% Magical Accuracy
7% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 43.154
tp: 1.294.614
721017 (200%)
721016 (200%)
726060 (200%)
723988 (100%)
721036 (100%)
721014 (70%)
721015 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720821 (5%)
108434 - 804819
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Link Rune
HP: 171.705.990
PATK: 380.095
MATK: 37.932
PDEF: 873.701
MDEF: 868.473
PDMG: 94.799
10% Physical Accuracy
6Dodge Rate
6.000Parry Piercing
10% Magical Accuracy
6% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 43.154
tp: 1.294.614
721019 (200%)
721018 (200%)
726070 (200%)
723988 (100%)
721036 (100%)
721014 (70%)
721015 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720821 (5%)
108438 - 804823
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Veiled Crypt of Kashaylan (Hard) (166)
>-1689, 3098, -1036
>(44, 61)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 314.492.693
PATK: 407.057
MATK: 48.932
PDEF: 987.495
MDEF: 973.916
PDMG: 100.025
15% Physical Accuracy
7Dodge Rate
8.250Parry Piercing
13% Magical Accuracy
8% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 43.154
tp: 1.294.614
721021 (200%)
721020 (200%)
726079 (200%)
723988 (100%)
721036 (100%)
721014 (70%)
721015 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720821 (5%)
108440 - 804825
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Veiled Crypt of Kashaylan (Hard) (166)
>593, 3099, -16
>(73, 44)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 341.466.947
PATK: 410.297
MATK: 50.032
PDEF: 971.470
MDEF: 1.006.827
PDMG: 100.707
17% Physical Accuracy
8Dodge Rate
8.250Parry Piercing
19% Magical Accuracy
9% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 43.154
tp: 1.294.614
721023 (200%)
721022 (200%)
726085 (200%)
723988 (100%)
721036 (100%)
721014 (70%)
721015 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720821 (5%)
108442 - 804812
Advanced Pioneer
Elite (2)
Lv: 95+0
Veiled Crypt of Kashaylan (Hard) (166)
>1356, 3097, -1666
>(83, 72)
Blend Rune
HP: 7.355.859
PATK: 378.205
MATK: 20.242
PDEF: 752.983
MDEF: 807.011
PDMG: 77.798
9% Physical Accuracy
5Dodge Rate
3.500Parry Piercing
9% Magical Accuracy
5% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 21.577
tp: 323.653
723988 (100%)
720142 (60%)
721012 (3.5%)
721013 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
721014 (1.5%)
721015 (1.5%)
108443 - 804813
Advanced Kashay Sentry Guard
Elite (2)
Lv: 95+0
Veiled Crypt of Kashaylan (Hard) (166)
>-269, 3096, -1227
>(62, 65)
Blend Rune
HP: 7.600.490
PATK: 381.453
MATK: 20.742
PDEF: 804.973
MDEF: 750.023
PDMG: 78.382
10% Physical Accuracy
4Dodge Rate
6.000Parry Piercing
6% Magical Accuracy
3% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 21.577
tp: 323.653
723988 (100%)
720142 (60%)
721012 (3.5%)
721013 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
721014 (1.5%)
721015 (1.5%)

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