result count: 7
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
100122 - 572694 Bubsitan Leader of the Hidden Valley wolf cubs. [100122|Bubsitan] often goes to the Pioneers Colony to raise hell, taking whatever he wants before running away. | Boss (3) Lv: 5+0 Link Rune | HP: 11.862 PATK: 208 MATK: 393 PDEF: 205 MDEF: 163 PDMG: 101 | Respawn: 01:00:00 xp: 365 tp: 3.647 | 722280 (200%) 722416 (200%) 722518 (200%) 720173 (200%) 240666 Bubsitan's Spirit Crystal (200%) 201620 Treasure Chest Key (100%) 720024 (50%) 220230 Sentry's Chaincoat (16.11%) 210251 Blizzard Bow (16.11%) 720092 (5%) 770075 Card - Bubsitan (5%) 720011 (3%) 723978 (3%) 721902 (2.733%) 220081 Outlaw Headgear (1.253%) |
100749 - 574469 Wild Springbok In an emergency, it can escape swiftly from danger. Almost as if flying. | normal (0) Lv: 7+2 Link Rune | HP: 422 PATK: 69 MATK: 94 PDEF: 218 MDEF: 221 PDMG: 51 | Respawn: 00:06:00 xp: 40 tp: 40 | 722280 (5.694%) 722416 (5.694%) 722722 (5.694%) 720092 (5%) 204531 Magic Hormone (5%) 720140 (5%) 222582 Holy Chalice (3.333%) 720011 (3%) 723978 (3%) |
100795 - 574678 Floating Balloon Monster This ball-shaped plant floats through the air, and its cute appearance makes it a favorite with human children! | normal (0) Lv: 9+2 Sascilia Steppes (10) >-39055, -28, 7703 >(24, 7) Purify Rune | HP: 551 PATK: 97 MATK: 184 PDEF: 281 MDEF: 290 PDMG: 64 | Respawn: 00:06:00 xp: 44 tp: 44 | 720092 (5%) 204531 Magic Hormone (5%) 720140 (5%) 722280 (4.907%) 723062 (4.907%) 720173 (4.907%) 211410 Blade of Peace (3.133%) 720011 (3%) 723978 (3%) 770402 Card - Floating Balloon Monster (0.1%) |
100820 - 574509 Dark Cotton Worm Its creeping body and red dots are distinctive features that make people uneasy. | normal (0) Lv: 8+2 Sascilia Steppes (10) >-36582, 277, 5529 >(33, 17) Link Rune | HP: 482 PATK: 79 MATK: 106 PDEF: 249 MDEF: 252 PDMG: 57 | Respawn: 00:06:00 xp: 42 tp: 42 | 722280 (5.222%) 722382 (5.222%) 722552 (5.222%) 720092 (5%) 204531 Magic Hormone (5%) 720140 (5%) 222548 Protective Belt (3.417%) 720011 (3%) 723978 (3%) 770390 Card - Dark Cotton Worm (0.1%) |
100906 - 572157 Lost Soul of Tifka No one even remembers what his former race was, but he once owned the Barren Caves. After his death, Anglie robbed his source of power and now there is only a pale shadow left roaming the caves. | Boss (3) Lv: 9+1 Howling Mountains (1) >-4427, 48, -3392 >(22, 15) Blend Rune | HP: 29.399 PATK: 312 MATK: 652 PDEF: 231 MDEF: 391 PDMG: 104 | Respawn: 02:00:00 xp: 443 tp: 4.432 | 722280 (200%) 722416 (200%) 722518 (200%) 720173 (200%) 720024 (100%) 770235 Card - Lost Soul of Tifka (30%) 720011 (3%) 723978 (3%) 222581 Horn of Arde (2.875%) |
105139 - 582960 Hending Kulang The [<S>105139|Hending Kulangs] of [ZONE_FROST_ISLAND|Frost Island] are known to live next to the sea. | normal (0) Lv: 9+0 Coast of Opportunity (13) >-7904, 11, -3308 >(33, 60) Blend Rune | HP: 457 PATK: 52 MATK: 118 PDEF: 238 MDEF: 391 PDMG: 35 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 53 tp: 64 | 208984 Stolen Apple (75%) 720011 (3%) 723978 (3%) 222581 Horn of Arde (2.875%) 722280 (2%) 722416 (2%) 722518 (2%) 720173 (2%) 770967 Card - Hending Kulang (0.1%) |
105141 - 585646 Northern Lurker What's hard in the light is easy in the darkness! | normal (0) Lv: 9+2 Coast of Opportunity (13) >-9501, 12, -5021 >(27, 68) Blend Rune | HP: 462 PATK: 55 MATK: 118 PDEF: 243 MDEF: 391 PDMG: 35 | Respawn: 00:01:00 xp: 53 tp: 64 | 720011 (3%) 723978 (3%) 222581 Horn of Arde (2.875%) 722280 (2%) 722416 (2%) 722518 (2%) 720173 (2%) 770969 Card - Northern Lurker (0.1%) |