result count: 5

100435 - 574123
Mutated Budworm
Reports have shown that Myrmex raise this particular kind of mutant budworm with a purpose. It is assumed that they are seeking the honey-like substance the worms excrete.
normal (0)
Lv: 48+3
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-17087, -655, 6636
>(48, 64)
Link Rune
HP: 5.065
PATK: 847
MATK: 631
PDEF: 3.465
MDEF: 2.447
PDMG: 334
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 297
tp: 297
720142 (5%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722225 (0.667%)
722395 (0.667%)
723619 (0.667%)
222449 Red Leg Guards (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770187 Card - Mutated Budworm (0.1%)
550567 (0.1%)
100794 - 574476
Blackhorn Hafiz
Formerly, the strongest Capra General. He is also the hero of Capra.

In order to gain the power to resist the Cyclopes, he became a prisoner of magic ending in him and those who followed him being covered in black.

After the coup, he seized the sacred ground at [ZONE_BORSBURS|Pasper's Shrine] and opposed Capra's leader, Yarfas.
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Pasper's Shrine (106)
>4583, 80, 5668
>(76, 17)
Activate Rune
HP: 276.267
PATK: 3.485
MATK: 4.190
PDEF: 2.645
MDEF: 2.651
PDMG: 1.357
Respawn: 02:46:39
xp: 2.567
tp: 25.671
722225 (200%)
722395 (200%)
723619 (200%)
720186 (200%)
720248 (200%)
724923 (200%)
720100 (5%)
720026 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
550874 (0.1%)
100977 - 574156
Giant Battle Wolf
Even if I were a Cyclops, I wouldn't dare let these wolves go hungry. I don't have a death-wish.
normal (0)
Lv: 49+1
Link Rune
HP: 5.880
PATK: 1.018
MATK: 865
PDEF: 3.091
MDEF: 3.117
PDMG: 356
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 312
tp: 312
720100 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722395 (4.5%)
722225 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
723415 (2.5%)
222595 Holy Pearl Scepter (0.4%)
550937 (0.1%)
101197 - 574123
normal (0)
Lv: 64+3
Link Rune
HP: 8.031
PATK: 1.536
MATK: 1.007
PDEF: 6.277
MDEF: 4.415
PDMG: 483
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 779
tp: 779
720142 (5%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722225 (0.667%)
722395 (0.667%)
723619 (0.667%)
721915 (0.32%)
770187 Card - Mutated Budworm (0.1%)
101654 - 574432
Guardian Swordsman
Elite (2)
Lv: 40+1
Purify Rune
HP: 12.976
PATK: 2.315
MATK: 1.607
PDEF: 2.150
MDEF: 2.141
PDMG: 730
Respawn: 00:06:00
720099 (100%)
722225 (20%)
722395 (20%)
723551 (20%)
723982 (20%)
720142 (5%)
720011 (3%)