result count: 10
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
100447 - 570132 Gale Harpy Residing in the vicinity of Hawk's Cliff, this harpy is capable of manipulating the power of the wind. | normal (0) Lv: 46+3 Dust Devil Canyon (6) >-14822, 302, 14813 >(56, 25) Disenchant Rune | HP: 3.897 PATK: 1.052 MATK: 407 PDEF: 2.083 MDEF: 2.258 PDMG: 311 | Respawn: 00:02:00 xp: 270 tp: 270 | 201431 Harpy Claw (200%) 202947 Harpy Holy Spirit (25%) 720099 (5%) 720142 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 722259 (0.667%) 723449 (0.667%) 723483 (0.667%) 222571 Heaven's Blessing Boots (0.4%) 721915 (0.32%) 220427 Leggings of Meditation (0.1%) 770198 Card - Gale Harpy (0.1%) 550673 (0.1%) |
100450 - 574107 Ayelo The queen of the harpies of Dust Devil Canyon reigns over her people on Hawk's Cliff. She has little contact with humans. According to the legend of Tempest Height, Ayelo lived before Dust Devil Canyon was even formed, and that there is magic flowing through her veins that forced her to kill continuously. Her murderous rampage ended when the Spirit of Wind suppressed this magic, which calmed her. After this, she led her followers to settle near the sacred region of the Spirit of Wind. | Boss (4) Lv: 48+0 Disenchant Rune | HP: 1.093.964 PATK: 5.442 MATK: 9.023 PDEF: 2.766 MDEF: 4.575 PDMG: 2.160 | Respawn: 08:00:00 xp: 14.859 tp: 742.947 Raisechange: >100449 Red Winged Harpy (100%) | 201635 Ayelo's Feather (500%) 722293 (200%) 723381 (200%) 723449 (200%) 722531 (200%) 240692 Ayelo's Spirit Crystal (200%) 720026 (100%) 220427 Leggings of Meditation (100%) 720099 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 211453 Cold Stone Wand (0.4%) 721915 (0.32%) 770201 Card - Ayelo (0.1%) |
100616 - 573889 Tempest Height Beast Tamer | normal (0) Lv: 46+2 Dust Devil Canyon (6) >-12276, 89, 13042 >(65, 33) Activate Rune | HP: 4.266 PATK: 1.149 MATK: 464 PDEF: 2.277 MDEF: 2.484 PDMG: 354 | Respawn: 00:06:00 xp: 270 tp: 270 Raisechange: >100419 Tempest Height Hunter (70%) >100616 Tempest Height Beast Tamer (30%) | 720142 (5%) 720099 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 723347 (0.667%) 723449 (0.667%) 723517 (0.667%) 222448 Purple Leg Guards (0.4%) 721914 (0.32%) 770176 Card - Tempest Height Beast Tamer (0.1%) 550935 (0.1%) |
100978 - 574141 Agriza Warden It's rare for anyone to fight his way into the innermost area of the [ZONE_CITADEL AGRIZA|Cyclops Stronghold]. Even if he does, it's not glory waiting for him, but regret. | Elite (2) Lv: 49+1 Dragonfang Ridge (11) >-36611, 825, -10027 >(17, 19) Activate Rune | HP: 15.503 PATK: 3.009 MATK: 1.122 PDEF: 2.350 MDEF: 2.546 PDMG: 684 | Respawn: 00:04:00 xp: 780 tp: 1.950 | 722565 (5.5%) 720100 (5%) 720142 (5%) 722565 (4.5%) 723449 (3.5%) 720011 (3%) 723982 (3%) 222609 Crystal Blue Butterfly Shield (1.4%) 770444 Card - Agriza Warden (0.1%) |
101020 - 574473 Blackhorn Nisorn Hafiz's best scout and assassin often appears with the vanguard on the battlefield. He makes use of his excellent obstruction and mobility skills to continuously move around the battlefield in search of the best opportunity to attack and his enemies' weak spots. Word has it that when he waves the weapons in his two hands nobody can get close to him and when his weapons come to a stop no enemy is left alive. | Boss (3) Lv: 45+0 Pasper's Shrine (106) >3607, 79, 4036 >(59, 55) Activate Rune | HP: 276.267 PATK: 3.485 MATK: 4.190 PDEF: 2.645 MDEF: 2.651 PDMG: 1.357 | Respawn: 02:46:39 xp: 2.567 tp: 25.671 | 722361 (200%) 723381 (200%) 723449 (200%) 723959 (200%) 720207 (200%) 212150 Black Ring Staff (7%) 720100 (5%) 720026 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723982 (3%) |
101186 - 573889 strings | normal (0) Lv: 63+2 Activate Rune | HP: 6.991 PATK: 2.178 MATK: 769 PDEF: 4.315 MDEF: 4.691 PDMG: 542 | Respawn: 00:06:00 xp: 763 tp: 763 Raisechange: >101182 (70%) >101186 (30%) | 720099 (5%) 720142 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 723347 (0.667%) 723449 (0.667%) 723517 (0.667%) 721914 (0.32%) 220644 Wanderer's Dignity Gloves (0.1%) 770176 Card - Tempest Height Beast Tamer (0.1%) |
101211 - 570132 strings | normal (0) Lv: 63+3 Disenchant Rune | HP: 6.385 PATK: 1.996 MATK: 675 PDEF: 3.946 MDEF: 4.265 PDMG: 524 | Respawn: 00:02:00 xp: 763 tp: 763 | 201431 Harpy Claw (60%) 720099 (5%) 720142 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 722259 (0.667%) 723449 (0.667%) 723483 (0.667%) 721915 (0.32%) 220427 Leggings of Meditation (0.1%) 770198 Card - Gale Harpy (0.1%) |
101214 - 574107 strings | Boss (4) Lv: 64+0 Disenchant Rune | HP: 1.851.855 PATK: 9.647 MATK: 14.391 PDEF: 4.957 MDEF: 8.337 PDMG: 3.622 | Respawn: 08:00:00 xp: 38.934 tp: 1.946.700 | 722293 (200%) 723381 (200%) 723449 (200%) 722531 (200%) 201635 Ayelo's Feather (100%) 220427 Leggings of Meditation (100%) 720099 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 721915 (0.32%) 770201 Card - Ayelo (0.1%) |
101653 - 574426 Guardian Defender | Elite (2) Lv: 40+1 Purify Rune | HP: 15.602 PATK: 1.715 MATK: 1.607 PDEF: 1.744 MDEF: 3.009 PDMG: 597 | Respawn: 00:06:00 | 720099 (100%) 722463 (20%) 722497 (20%) 723449 (20%) 723982 (20%) 720142 (5%) 720011 (3%) |
101655 - 576561 Frantic Cliff Demon | Elite (2) Lv: 45+1 Purify Rune | HP: 15.412 PATK: 2.867 MATK: 1.904 PDEF: 2.661 MDEF: 2.651 PDMG: 867 | Respawn: 00:06:00 | 720341 (100%) 723449 (100%) 723517 (100%) 720099 (100%) 720142 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723982 (3%) |