result count: 2

101239 - 574157
Blood Claw
"Ha! You weak little bug, I didn't have to raise a hand!" - [100858|Zadarha]
Elite (2)
Lv: 49+0
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-38580, 1061, -9463
>(9, 15)
Link Rune
HP: 17.107
PATK: 3.328
MATK: 2.165
PDEF: 3.092
MDEF: 3.118
PDMG: 744
Respawn: 00:04:40
xp: 780
tp: 1.950
720142 (5%)
722872 (4.5%)
722294 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
723484 (2.5%)
720187 (2%)
770455 Card - Blood Claw (0.1%)
101344 - 576045
Leeching Winter Spiders are different from Ystra Winter Spiders. In addition to having all of their abilities, they also have the troublesome "Leech Attack" ability, surely making any adventurer's life difficult. Kings of these species are one of the most feared monsters amongst adventurers.
Boss (4)
Lv: 45+0
Blend Rune
HP: 707.959
PATK: 5.877
MATK: 8.014
PDEF: 2.834
MDEF: 2.868
PDMG: 2.288
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100368 Ystra Winter Spider (100%)
722668 (100%)
722770 (100%)
723484 (100%)
720100 (100%)
724173 (100%)
720026 (100%)
240684 Anselve's Spirit Crystal (100%)
211343 Metal Splitting Battle Axe (100%)
723982 (100%)
721916 (38.7%)
720011 (3%)
550528 (0.1%)