result count: 2
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
100641 - 572156 Horror Crystal Demons that were hunted down by a powerful enemy used magic to transform their great loss and endless torment into a Horror Crystal. In order to relieve their pain and suffering, they pass on their suffering to other creatures. | Elite (2) Lv: 35+3 Necropolis of Mirrors (103) >1149, -249, 1252 >(26, 82) Blend Rune | HP: 9.993 PATK: 1.130 MATK: 1.338 PDEF: 1.685 MDEF: 1.702 PDMG: 480 | Respawn: 01:00:00 xp: 788 tp: 3.940 | 724922 (20%) 723980 (20%) 721909 (15%) 724261 (10%) 723579 (3.866%) 723647 (3.866%) 723953 (3.866%) 720011 (3%) 770145 Card - Horror Crystal (0.1%) |
101012 - 572606 Snow Reindeer Come the turn of autumn to winter, reindeer shed their fine summer coats and replace them with thicker fur ones able to withstand the cold. | normal (0) Lv: 27+2 Dragonfang Ridge (11) >-27156, 959, -14939 >(57, 46) Link Rune | HP: 2.421 PATK: 365 MATK: 383 PDEF: 1.116 MDEF: 1.127 PDMG: 191 | Respawn: 00:03:00 xp: 107 tp: 107 | 720141 (5%) 720096 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 723579 (1.189%) 723647 (1.189%) 723681 (1.189%) 222659 Purple Leg Armor (0.714%) 550896 (0.178%) 770485 Card - Snow Reindeer (0.1%) |