result count: 3

100193 - 572643
Fighting Armor
The strength of a family of magicians defeated here long ago seeped into the armor they were wearing, animating these once lifeless suits. Stuck reliving the past, they endlessly seek out combat.
Elite (2)
Lv: 37+3
Necropolis of Mirrors (103)
>3260, -725, 2333
>(55, 62)
Blend Rune
HP: 10.812
PATK: 1.206
MATK: 1.087
PDEF: 2.161
MDEF: 1.533
PDMG: 509
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 869
tp: 4.344
723980 (20%)
724922 (20%)
721910 (15%)
724261 (10%)
723614 (3.316%)
723682 (3.316%)
723750 (3.316%)
720011 (3%)
770135 Card - Fighting Armor (0.1%)
550606 (0.1%)
100853 - 574690
Blackmane Watchman
He doesn't let a cooked duck fly.
normal (0)
Lv: 30+2
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-24201, 797, -13162
>(69, 36)
Activate Rune
HP: 2.535
PATK: 382
MATK: 330
PDEF: 1.544
MDEF: 1.091
PDMG: 198
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 123
tp: 123
203351 Gnoll Stone (70%)
720097 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723981 (3%)
722458 (1.07%)
723614 (1.07%)
723682 (1.07%)
222516 Tranquility Robe (0.568%)
770478 Card - Blackmane Watchman (0.1%)
100857 - 575363
Giant Polar Bear
"It's really cold here, but I thought these kinds of animals can only be found in polar regions." - Biologist Dez Kuffour
normal (0)
Lv: 33+1
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
>-19899, 1397, -13326
>(87, 37)
Link Rune
HP: 3.286
PATK: 502
MATK: 495
PDEF: 1.530
MDEF: 1.545
PDMG: 225
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 143
tp: 143
203361 Warm and Fuzzy Bear Fur (70%)
720097 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723981 (3%)
723614 (0.829%)
723716 (0.829%)
723784 (0.829%)
222518 Spirit Gown (0.483%)
550787 (0.121%)
770428 Card - Giant Polar Bear (0.1%)